Greetings, blades. Yesterday, I wrote to my representative about the current medical marijuana bill in Pennsylvania. He wrote back to me and explained that he currently does not support the bill, and defended his decision with well-known marijuana myths. I have been writing a response to Mr. Cutler, but I could use some help with two points he brought up. I quote, There also will be logistical issues with the dispensing of the product given that our pharmacists are not currently licensed to dispense marijuana which is a class 1 narcotic. Additionally, the bill as drafted, would allow patients to grow their own plants for their own use. However, when the math is done the amount of usable product that can be taken from a plant far exceeds the amount one person can use for their own needs. The question then becomes what will happen to the extra marijuana? If anyone knows the medical marijuana system well enough or knows about how much yield an average plant will give, your help would be appreciated. Thanks for reading.
You can find meaningful and accurate counters to whatever myths he brought up, that doesn't need to be detailed here. I think you can point out that there has never been a single death directly attributed to Marijuana, compared to aspirin which accounts for more than 100,000 hospitalizations and 10,000 American deaths each year. I'm not suggesting that Aspirin should be made illegal, but I think it begs the question why it's viewed as preferable to have "May Die" as a side effect to "May feel relaxed, creative and become hungry".
I have refuted what myths he presented, and I certainly will bring up death statistics. But yeah, I'm not certain as to how I should respond to his lame complaint regarding dispensaries.
I think you can easily make the arguement that it's not the role of government to decide what adults are and arn't allowed to do in their own homes. The only reason it was outlawed in the first place was a smear campaign perpetrated by the media of the day (owned by Hearst). Beyond that, are there limitations on how much cough syrup you can buy? Will the liquor store cut you off if you order 4 kegs and 20 bottles of tequila? Of course not. So why are we treating this, a plant that has never even killed anyone and that humans have cultivated and consumed for thousands and thousands of years, like the root of all evil? The common problem with most political types stance on this, is it's based on the fact that Marijuana = Bad. That's simply not the case, Marijuana = A Tool just like everything else. A glass of red wine a night is good for your health, drinking a bottle of jack daniels a night is bad for your health. I'm not saying Pot is the answer to all our problems, but you just gotta wonder if it's really the best thing to be spending more than 15 billion dollars of tax payer money every year on the war against drugs SPECIFICALLY against marijuana. Is that REALLY our priority?
Ask him what is wrong with a patient using more medicine than recommended. Also, tell him that not all patients are created equally, and some will require more medicine than others. You should also bring up that there are no dangerous side affects from taking more than the recommended amount of marijuana
Tell him you need to smoke 1400 pounds of Marijuana in 14 minutes to OD or whatever the insane number is haha
Ask him if he's ever grown marijuana? If not then he has no fucking idea how much one plant can yield. He's become so pathetic that the has to make his own reasons up. We're all used to the same old shit, but that's a new one.
Dude, here you go. Tell him that California is ahead of the game on this one, MMJ is medicine just like anything else and we won't stand for artificial controls and limitations being placed on it just to appease someones oxy-codone muddled-but-legal-damnit delusions of grandeur. /rant
the way the PA Bill is written it is 6 plants and 1 ounce of MJ do you see the problem here When a plant is grown properly in 5 gallon buckets you can pull 12 to 16 ounces wet so about 8 ounces of usable dry per plant or you can do small plants lets say 6 plants 18 inches tall will get you about 18 ounces wet and about 9 dry as you can see Brian is number 3 on the list Legislators that must go in 2010) 1. Mathew Baker District 68, Bradford County (Part) Tioga County 2. Seth Grove District 196, York County 3. Brian Cutler District 100, Lancaster County 4. Kathryn Watson District 144 , Bucks County 5. Vanessa Brown District 190, Philadelphia County 6. Brad Roae District 6, Titusville County since your in lancaster county I suggest you join on the 25th and 26th