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Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by chance., Jan 22, 2010.

  1. i just smoked this stuff called death has any body herd of it it realy good its a great uplifting high
  2. Sounds like sombody decided to name the pot they were selling after a Katt Williams joke:rolleyes:
    [ame=]YouTube - Katt Williams - Weed 2[/ame]
  3. hahaha probaly some strain they renamed
  4. 'but i've got shit to do today.'

    love that part.
  5. Death Star I've heard of but Death? :eek:

    Whoever named that strain needs to learn a little bit about proper product branding. You always want to consider the impression the name of your product makes on potential customers and that one just doesn't seem to align with the what your typical stoner is looking for in a toking experience.

    So I recommend Sweetittyfucking Haze as an alternative.:D

  6. "It's called Deaf *****" - pun intended....use ya ears guy lol

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