
Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by Sue-Z, Aug 25, 2021.

  1. What do you believe happens when we die? Include your religion if you have one.

    I believe our energy is recycled into new life. Not necessarily our consciousness or soul, but the energy. Maybe it goes to helping a tree grow or a kitten, but it never truly disappears.

    I'm an atheist. So, I don't really accept the idea of souls.
  2. When you die thats just it man. Time isnt real.
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  3. It’s obvious we are all part of the same cosmic fabric. But what happens after this life, who knows… my hope is we do transform or enter some other dimension. :bongin:
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  4. That would be fucking amazing, quite frankly.

    As an atheist it took me so long to reconcile with death. Especially the death of any family members, I could not fathom that just being it. Bam! You're gone. Ya know?
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  5. I do believe god exists or existed once and or isn’t coming to save mankind .
    Or gods , but damn eternal oblivion got me scared so bad I run away from this topic it’s better to believe in afterlife even if it’s not real .
    Jesus never came back , 2000 years later indefinitely can say death is worse the anything we can imagine : if angels were real once did they die off ??
    What the hell happened in the ancients world to give people such faith god is coming back ./

    I’d like to say religion is true , but more I research the less I’d agree even if I always was a theist and still am .
    My negative thoughts are constantly coming, I’ve avoided thinking about death due to my thanophobia .
    Guess life wasn’t meant to exist but to perish?!2$-6- what a horrible design failed creation .
    All I can say is mankind’s biggest failure is making nuclear weapons instead of inventing or finding a way for immortality, best intelligence from Einstein and more wasted …
    I have respect for anyone’s opinions, on this sad topic .
    We are essentially living in a matrix simulator or something if there’s no afterlife, nothing is real .
  6. I believe in something similar, but not always life oriented, just energy. You could be trapped in your casket for all we know.
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  7. The ultimate controversial unknown question for all we otherwise mortal intelligent Earth monkeys with mind. Whatever one chooses to believe ought be respected including religious ones. In order to make any scientifically credible speculation, one needs to first understand what ANY Earth DNA multicellular animalia organic life aware consciousness is, a most controversial unknown subject of science. Otherwise speculation to any conservatively science knowledgeable person will amount to nonsense. The question currently leans heavily towards, life is born, lives, and eventually dies with absolute finality.

    Current consciousness science not surprisingly, points to our brains as the source of that consciousness and there are strong reasons that involves either brain waves that are varying electromagnetic fields or brain neuronal structure that addresses what is referred to as the "Hard Problem". My own leanings (not a belief) are all Earth DNA multicellular animalia organic life from ants to humans is of the former I'll speculate briefly on. Thus we Earth monkeys as entities are not our physical bodies or our physical neuronal brain systems but rather the electromagnetic fields that exist within brain structure. Note I am not one that expects favorites of science fiction writers like teleportation or time travel will ever be possible.

    If a non-organic container for electromagnetic fields can be created that effectively duplicates brains physically, then the electromagnetic field would be identical and per my speculation consciousness may be identical. Another way to look at that is if something could identically duplicate our organic bodies with brains within, then that person would not know the difference. But what about an effective non-organic container? So how might that be possible for some ultimate technological intelligent race that has existed for vast amounts of time? That is what this person suspects may be possible with individual structured water molecules controlled by matter/energy structures within far smaller than atoms. The Christian Bible in a few places refers to special water involved in eternal spirit life. Water H2O is an incredible polar molecule. One might also speculate an ultimate technological intelligent non-organic entity would likely try if possible to develop such to free otherwise mortal life it loves from eternal death.
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  8. This was incredibly well thought out and I really love it.

    Thank you.
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  9. The law of Conservation of Energy states that "Energy cannot be created or destroyed." In other words, the total amount of energy in the universe never changes, although it may change from one form to another. Energy never disappears, but it does change form.
    If that law is to be believed, our body's energy must go someplace or be changed into another form. Where and how is the big question. We'll find out soon enough.
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  10. #10 SIRSOG, Aug 26, 2021
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2021
    You return to the state of the universe that is not experiencing itself and ride it out until the heat death occurs. No religion on my end.
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  11. I become fertilizer for future pot plants.
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  12. Has anyone here ever had sleep paralysis? I heard a medium say that when you are in the paralysis state and can’t get up but are conscious then you can ask any questions you want and get an answer 100% of the time. op you should ask ur same question and see what answer u get if that ever happens to u .
    But make sure u let us know what they/it said!
  13. I do experience sleep paralysis sometimes. If I am able to remember i will absolutely try. I'm skeptical as fuck, but it sounds interesting.
  14. What happens when we die?
    The same thing that happened before we lived.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  15. And no one knows what that was either.

    We as a society are just not comfortable with “we don’t know” as an answer. So some people say we go to Heaven while others say we get reincarnated or recycled. Still others say it’s game over.

    And hardly anyone wants to face the reality that we just don’t know.
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  16. Im totally comfortable with that.
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  17. You would be a minority. As would I, and it took me decades to be comfortable with that.
  18. How do you all explain Ghosts?
  19. Hallucinating due to lack of sleep , can imagine tons of things…
    No way to possibly imagine how bad death or eternal oblivion is , to just disappear??
    An and afterlife imagine being tied to a dingo like satan forever … or god beating up his angels, if there’s no afterlife then nothing exists period .
  20. #20 Monoprintedman, Sep 29, 2021
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2021
    Tho speculating about life after death, etc., makes for stimulating conversation, I believe we’re best served by staying present in our lives. We can’t do anything about the past or the future. Live big, take in the miraculous beauty of this planet, care for your health and the welfare of others and love. Mostly… develop compassion for all and you will be enriched

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