Death by your own hands.

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by IwasA.Smurf, Jan 14, 2010.

  1. #1 IwasA.Smurf, Jan 14, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 14, 2010
    What are your views on someone that decides to end their own life?

    • Is this a selfish act?
    • Is this individual sentenced to eternal damnation?(granted you believe in the theological belief in an afterlife.)
    • Can a diagnosed mental illness warrant or make a suicide more excusable?
  2. Suicide is such a subjective topic, in Roman times it was relatively honorable to die by your own hand, and in the face of being executed many people were given the option of suicide beforehand.
  3. people say your selfish and weak if you commit suicide. but it takes a lot of balls to do it.

    i have a neutral view on it....its your life anyways...shit some people arent even depressed or ill they just decide that theyre done and its time
  4. I feel compassion for those who have taken their own lives, and hope they found the peace they sought.

    That pretty much sums up my views.
  5. i think everyone has the potential ability to commit suicide, not that everyone is suicidal, but that there are a set of scenarios, which if were that persons reality, would make it too painful to continue
  6. That's tough because there are so many aspects to it.

    Philosophically speaking, I believe life and death are two sides of the same illusion.

    Is it selfish? It depends on who you are asking. In some cases it is selfless. In some countries, suicide was expected of warriors who were captured so that they could not be tortured into speaking about strategies. If a samuri dishonored himself, he killed himself. In Alaska, once a person was elderly and/or sickly to the point of being unable to contribute to society, they ended their life.

    In cases of terminal illness or treatment resistant mental illness, is ending your own suffering really that selfish? You are simply choosing to cut the suffering short, the ending is still the same.

    As for eternal damnation, I suppose that depends on your particular belief system. Personally, I don't believe the higher power / god / the universe / All That Is (whatever you want to call it) judges us. I don't think it rewards us or punishes us. We create our own heaven or hell based on our attitudes, how treat ourselves and others in accordance to our beliefs and morals, etc. Heaven and hell exist in our own minds, in our being, it doesn't really exist outside of ourselves.

    Why does suicide need to be excusable? It's a decision, albeit a heavily weighted decision. It needs no more validation than smoking a joint, bungee jumping, or driving 30 mph over the speed limit. We know what we're risking before we do it. We know the consequences personally and to those around us.

    If you are considering suicide, I hope that you have also considered that your feelings leading to these thoughts are most likely temporary...and if its situational, there are resources available to help you through tough times.

    No one is harder on you than yourself. Suicide shouldn't be taken lightly--especially considering the fact that if you live in an industrialized country, you will most likely be rescued and placed in a behavioral / psychiatric center after you are rescued, and things can get much worse from there--or better. I guess it depends on the doctors, nurses, and other patients you come across on the journey.

  7. I don't know how anyone could kill themselves honestly.

    I mean, no matter how much pain I'll ever be in, I don't want my love ones to feel it. Taking your life will cause everyone that knows and loves you to go into uber depression...fuck that, I can't do that to people.

    I mean, I've had suicidal thoughts before, I've been in a lot of pain before, but what stops me is knowing how all my friends and family would feel if I left them right now. Plus, the high school I went to is nick named "suicide high" because of all the suicides they get...I think in the past 2 years or so we've had close to 10.

    Fuck that, I plan on living my life till I'm too old to wank it. Cuz when you can't even get yourself off, what's the point of living? :p
  8. We're all gonna die.
  9. I feel really bad for anyone that would kill themselves but its not selfish...UNLESS they have a family that loves and needs them, in that case I do think it would be selfish.
  10. I agree with Peter Griffin.
  11. i wouldnt have the guts to pull the trigger, cut my troat, etc, fuck that its not worth it no matter how bad it is i dont think i would
  12. I think it's how you leave, if you were to slit your wrists leaving a note saying how much you hate yourself blah blah blah, yeah that's gonna suck for friends/family. What about the people that are happy on day to day basis? Sometimes I think about killing myself, I never would cause I'm too scared to do it, but I think about it because I want to know what happens next but the only way to find out is to die, which I'm not ready. Relating that to suicide, some people are just more ready than others, these people should differ from the ones who kill themselves for love, money, life problems, etc...which is the main reason why people think suicide is cowardly.

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