Id rather have a girl thats a little below my level as a girlfriend. That way she makes me food and does everything in her power to make me happy so ill stick around. I'v been with a few girls out of my league and i felt like i was competing to keep them around.
But it's really not your place to tell someone that, is it? "If there's plenty of fish in the sea, where the fuck were they hiding when I was fishing?" -friend
Honestly, I don't know. The girl I'm with now is fucking smoking hot. But shes just straight up dumb and away's wants sex. So I have no real relationship respect for her, but I do love her in the "lets fuck" way. Fuck it, too every guy whos SINGLE, stay single. It's really not a good thing to have a girlfriend. -she'll want to hang out (which is annoying as fuck for me, atleast.) - the usual female stuff (negging bitching dumb whining etc) Stay single, fuck bitches.