Dealing with my first HERm-HE

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by Tjbassmekanik, Aug 6, 2012.

  1. today i was checking my plants and i noticed one of them had nuts other than the hair everywhere. i dont know what to do it my first hermie. as far as i know i only saw testicles on one branch so i chopped it. does anybody know if it will work to just cut the branches with any nuts i see coming out? i have two females fairly close and 3 more about 20 feet away. id hate to risk pollenating any of them, but id hate to kill the hermie because it looks so beautiful. just that branch would of probably given me 1/4 - 1/2 ounce of bud. what should i do and what are the chances of my other ones growing nuts? they are bag seed (tiger striped). its such a fucking pain to examine every node being that my plants are so bushy......... hmmm help
  2. bump this thread up. i want opinions. thanks
  3. maybe i was tripping and it was two ovaries with no hair and i thought they were balls?
  4. bump bump bump bump bump fucker
  5. calyxs look alot like male preflowers until you look closer and yes, sometimes the calyx will be there, but the pistols haven't emerged yet, take pics i'll be able to tell you right away
  6. You need better pics
  7. bump, bump,bump,..... if a frog had wings, he wouldnt bump his ass when he hopped TJ!

    Anyway, let her/him grow. In years of growing ive never seen a full blown male/female plant. Most often, its mostly female with a few man berries hangin around. Very often theyre sterile, but sometimes you'lll find a few seeds.

    Id bet 100$ that you could buy 20 seeds of 10 differnet strains off the net, grow them a full season outdoors and find a few seeds here and there in every strain. Cannabis is a very tenacious plant and if you dont provide a male, it will. Cannabis hermies but usually it isnt a big problem. It takes a human to really fuck with it to get a real herm. YOure probably fine.
  8. alright i got more than one response quick. lol i would love to share how mine are looking. one i lstd a shitload and topped it like twice, its like 40" in diameter and already at about 2 feet with tons of shoots. the sun is so fucking intense over here they love it, and they all bush. i will post pics of them for sure here maybe during flower and after. show my yeilds to you guys. this year 6 females with two in one pot both lookingvery healthy.

    i want to try my hardest to not grow seeds. ive smoked some locally grown stuff that had tons of seeds and all tiger stripped, damn it was still so good being it had seeds.

    well i cant examine that one shoot i thought had balls on it anymore. i took it off.

    im assuming its a yes thing; if one plant later "has a few seeds" will that same plant give my other whores seeds or (pollenate them)?????? <<<<<<<<<<<answer that please

    i knew there was some potential for help on here, nothing at all then BAM like 3 replys. i will keep updates.
    i dont know what but im assuming nowhere less than 6-8oz, which is plenty personal use. its a legal grow. thanks

    not sure if my plants started flowering, the leaves havent oppositededed yet, but now there is such an increase in hair. like at every node sight. what do you guys think or know?<<

    im siked!!!!!!!BaHAHAHAHA

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