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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by NaptownClown, Jan 19, 2010.

  1. I live in a suburban town near west side Indianapolis, and in my town, I ask all my close friends where to find connects, and it seems like they all direct me to the same guy, who charges ridiculous prices.

    When I met him, I had $15 on me, and he sold me 3 grams of okay mids. The next two times I ran into him I had $10 dollars on me, and he sold me 1 gram of the same stuff, but he called it "serious chronic". It was just mids. The third time I came across him I had $20, and he tried to sell me "serious chronic". I got 1g for $20 of just OKAY shit. At $20 a gram, it would come up to $70 an 8th, which is horrible pricing for that shit, which I'd pay no more than $35-40 an 8th for. After that I stopped bothering to talk to him, and today I asked an old friend of mine if he had a connect, and he said yes. My friend made some calls, and he contacted me.... Turns out, I'm dealing with that same kid again. I know he's not the only dealer in town, but he's the only one anyone I know talks to.

    I don't understand paying $15 for 3 times as much of the same shit I got for $20.

    It makes me miss my old dealer in Texas, who I could sit down and talk for hours with before buying, who would supply me with WAY more than I paid for.

    I don't want that perfection, but I'd like someone consistent who will sell 8ths for about $25-40 an 8th.

    It seems that I can find a dealer anywhere B U T where I currently live.
  2. hmm, well here (chicago burbs) its 20/g for high-mids. exotic name brand dank (like some lavender kush i just bought) runs for 25/g. i usually go for quality over quantity.
  3. I was recently in the chicago west suburbs and paid $120 for a quad of dank. That calculates to about $17 a gram.

    It may just be the pricing of shit in the midwest, Because down in Texas I can find good mids for about $5 a gram with the right people
  4. if it is dank it usually goes for 20 a g,
    for mids I have no idea of the pricing of that,
    I'd say try and find good dank,
    i personally think quality is better than quantity,
    especially if you know how to be conservative,
    just turn down his business or speak up for yourself,
    I've had dealers try to rip me off and I'm just like dude its a plant,
    I'm not gonna get ripped off over a plant, even if it is "super dank chronic blueberry yum yum"

    good luck :)
  5. See maybe if he will cut you deals if you buy more at one time, sometimes you can get away with it, not always.
  6. Never take a dealer's word for how good his 'superdank chronic blueberry yumyum" is.

    As far as I'm concerned, I'm not spending more than $50 on the first deal, I need to get to know the new shit and see if it's worth the price before I were to up it.

    I'd rather not smoking something thats more than $20 a g, even if it is super-good. I'm content with mids, but I'd like to buy them at mid prices.
  7. Dealers are dealers. Its all illegal so they can do what even the fuck they want and you cant do anything to stop that.

    Some dealers are assholes. Today for instance, me and some friends were going to get a quater. We waited fregin almost 2 hours and one of us paid we get inside the house and we look. Its skimpy as hellll. We weight it, 1.9 grams. We paid 115$ for 1.9 grams. It was nice bud though, some purp.

  8. holy shit you got fucked bigtime,
    2 g's should only be 40, 50 if you're dumb enough to buy at 25 a g
  9. 115 for a quad is 16 bucks a g, but you should've expected 7 g.

    You paid $60 a G, jeebus.
  10. exactly, don't let names trick you, if you have to turn down a deal and not smoke than so be it,
    spend your money on something else,
    go buy some movies or something for next time you are high
  11. $115 for 1.9 grams.... >.< is the scale off... or...??? >.< man thats so bad...
  12. I was talking about individual g's, which is why you always buy in bulk lol
  13. Buy in bulk! I can't believe I'm saying this, but you can save a little money if you buy full eighths, and a solid chunk of cash if you buy half o's or o's.
  14. Bulk is always a good idea.

    But when income is low, a lot of the times I gotta quit smokin for a long time.

    Jobless 18y/o high school senior ftl

  15. Totallllly feel you on that one. I always get so jealous whenever I see how much dank people are able to afford quite easily on here.. :eek:

    I usually end up getting a quarter of mids/regs for $25-35 and it'll last me a few weeks, but being jobless and trying to get weed for your own personal use (I get tired of smoking with friends sometimes) is so impossible.

    /end rant
  16. Ya the guy is saying he legit weighted it and it was 7.0 grams. We used 2 SCALES, and both say 1.9 g. We told him and he basically said, Fuck You. Lol.

    It was the first time i was ever skimped im not sure about the people i was with. But it was really upsetting because we went with him because our normal dealer was dry at the time and we actually trusted this guy. And we waited fregin 2 hours.
  17. If I buy weed it's either from very close friends or from someone where I'm guaranteed a good deal.

    But luckily I grow...:smoking:
  18. 18 yr old college freshman,
    I have a job but my entire paycheck went into my truck,
    damn driveshaft nearly fell off,
    so I'm dry right now :(

  19. How did you not realize it was short over SEVENTY PERCENT???? That makes no sense. Why would you even accept it??
  20. The other day I paid 10$ for 2.3 grams or a dime bag of some pretty good stuff, ur getting ripped off dude.

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