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Dealers a dicknose?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by hightimes420guy, Mar 16, 2012.

  1. #1 hightimes420guy, Mar 16, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2012
    What's your opinion, I was talking to my friend/dealer and I asked if I could use his scale cause I'm buying 14-21 grams tomorrow. He then told me he could get an ounce for 215 (keep in mind I'm suppose to be paying 100 for a half tomorrow from a different person, or 120 for some different flame shit called purple princess I think) but anyways I asked him if I could get it for 115 cause he's paying 215 and he got pissed at me.. Was I being a "bitch" here? Or is he just being a dicknose

    Attached Files:

  2. No fuck him
  3. is this kody?
  4. Oops shit, no its not though it's his guy.
  5. #5 365DaysofGrowin, Mar 16, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2012
    Dicknose. I wouldn't buy from him if he said that bitching out part.
  6. 69% battery lol

    And fuck that guy he's a cunt
  7. i rofled at dicknose
  8. Yea last time I bought a half from him I went in on it and we got 12gs we were gonna buy a ounce for 250, then he says he can get a half for less than 120, so we don't get the o. Fast forward a few hours it's to late to get the ounce and we ended up paying $140..... Also it was like 4g of nugs that were pretty leafy and 8gs of shake.. He always does this shit where he's like "buy it from me man I promise it will be way better"
  9. [quote name='"hightimes420guy"']Yea last time I bought a half from him I went in on it and we got 12gs we were gonna buy a ounce for 250, then he says he can get a half for less than 120, so we don't get the o. Fast forward a few hours it's to late to get the ounce and we ended up paying $140..... Also it was like 4g of nugs that were pretty leafy and 8gs of shake.. He always does this shit where he's like "buy it from me man I promise it will be way better"[/quote]

    When he says that quoted part or any dealer that says that, you should try to stay away from.
  10. I'm having a hard time wondering wtf it is you're asking

    Looks like you're trying to haggle with a dealer which is kinda a bitch move
  11. #11 hightimes420guy, Mar 16, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2012
    I knew it was bullshit but me and my friend were going in on it, and he was throwing down more, also I told him to take the scale and ask his dealer if he can scale it out and he wouldn't do it... I don't see why people still buy from him he's a pretty chill person but when it comes to selling he's a cuntmuffin.

    [quote name='"Iluvatar"']I'm having a hard time wondering wtf it is you're asking[/quote]

    Asking if I was the Dicknose or him, questions answered now though sorry 'bout the confusion.

    Sorry for trying to get a better price on something HE asked me to buy? I didn't wanna get it through him in the first place cause I know how he is, and if I'm paying $120 for a half from somewhere else that I know I'm not gonna have to worry about if it's skimp or low quality, then he comes along and wants me to pay the same price for something where it's most likely going to be skimp or low quality, fuck that.
  12. I beg to differ, as a dealer why wouldnt you want to make some money
  13. Advice from Troy:
    [ame=]Troy Landry Says Choot Him! - YouTube[/ame]

  14. is it just me that didn't understand any of that?
  15. Fuck that guy. Get your weed elsewhere.

    He makes a point. The dealer DOES determine the price, but at the same time there is nothing wrong with trying to get a better deal. He is being a dick and trying to bully u man. Id tell him to fuck off. :D
  16. [quote name='"ReDfroSt"']is it just me that didn't understand any of that?[/quote]

    Sorry I'm kind of rambling I smoked a couple blunts of the last of my bud then scraped the resin out of all my pipes, made a resin ball then rolled it in keif and smoked it
  17. Yeah while it seems like he's being a bit of a dick - you're kind of saying stuff that implies you think you're running him and that whole "I'll take my business elsewhere" bit, was that ONLY there to get him riled? I mean if you were going to, you would - why would you bring another person into it by telling him?

    He said one thing, and one thing only that you should carry with you.
    You might not like it, but they're going to charge what they're going to charge - as a buyer, you can't really negotiate with them.
    Of course he's going to want to make more profit, it's what he does.
    You can't base prices off what you think "is fair" on account of what he gets it that rationale you'd really be fucking over any growers you ever bought from hm?

    He's offering what he's offering. If you don't want it, someone else will - which is why I said your comment on buying elsewhere will do little more than get him angry.

    My suggestion is, go elsewhere if you can, take it on the chin if you cant.
    This kind of negativity towards him however reasonable it may be, will only make him more inclined to be shitty towards you in future.
  18. #18 hightimes420guy, Mar 16, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2012
    You do make a really good point, but the only reason we got into all this is because I asked if I could borrow his scale I know trying to get a better price doesn't always work, but if I can get a half for $20 cheaper and I would possibly get skimped on the half from him, well that just doesn't sound good to me, also he skimps a lot.. And also if I have to throw down shouldn't I get the price of it..? Maybe not but the way I see it if you have $120, and halfs are 120 but ounces are 200, if I throw in half for 100 should I not get half of the bud? Why should you get more than me by $20?
  19. Yeah dude get a REAL dealer. I've never had a sketchy ass dealer like you. Most of my connects have a solid price. They don't budge. I've had MANY people that sell 8ths for $50 or $60. Or $20 a gram, $30th a half-8th. They don't fuck around. If you want bud, you know the price. He's a little BITCH and I've NEVER had a conversation like that with ANY of my dealers, and I've been smoking for the last 5 years. 5 years isn't a lot but you get the point. You're obviously dealing with some retards.

    Me: Can I get a quarter?
    Dealer: Yup, stop by in 30.
    Me: Ok. *proceeds to pay $100*

    All my dealers have had a standard price on what they sell and the quality has never been different.

  20. You're lucky then, this guys price changes from 215-300 and 75% of the time he just bullshits how much he gets it for and charges extra..

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