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Dealer ^^

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Aush, Jan 16, 2010.

  1. So, I'm walking through my local target today with a friend. He mentions something about weed as we are walking and this guy comes over and says "I couldn't help but overhear" and stuff and the next thing I know I have his #, and he says to call anytime for some g purp at $35 an 8th (not unheard of in my area, but not super common either). I'm like, damn score! I don't have a dealer, I go through a mutual friend who always adds more money to the price she buys it for (which is street price) so I end up paying hella much. Damn, I'm happy, and it was pretty funny. Thought I'd share. Happy toking! :hello:
  2. Watch out its those, "I couldn't help but overhear..." 's that get you in trouble.
  3. He must've done a good job at hiding the badge. :p
  4. its not illegal to talk about marijuana
  5. Now I'm no lawyer but I think it is illegal to buy it, which means it would be illegal to try to buy it.

    attempted marijuana possession lol
  6. That seems very sketchy to me. Personally I would never buy weed off of somebody who approached me in Target.....
  7. thats sounds sketch as it get dude. personally i wouldnt call sound like a cop to me
  8. umm yea, def not a good look... rule of thumb, NEVER buy off someone who hasn't been validated by someone you TRULY trust, and even that is sketchy, but doable
  9. what are laws in your state? id risk buying an 8th
  10. Yes, I'm sure it's an elaborate sting operation to pop a high school kid with an eighth of schwag :laughing: get real folks
  11. Its most likely just a scam.. what kind of a dealer is gunna go out of their way to give random people on the street (or in your local target) good deals on bud, you usually gotta earn that with your dealer haha. He may be selling the stuff to you but he may also be ripping you off, just gotta be carefull.
  12. Here's what id do: call him, ad ask him to show up to some spot with a 1/4th. its def worth (on the dealers side) driving there, and if hes a cop, he wont show or wont have valid shit. but first rule of thumb: ask the dealer to show what hes got.

    same for hookers. ask them to model nude for you. a cop wont ever say yes.
  13. #13 johnson1, Jan 17, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 17, 2010

    You saw that on manswers didn't you :)

    As for the dealer... I made the mistake of dealing with the cops a few years back... I was probably 15 or 16 and some kid came up to me... he looked pretty chill he was probably in his late teens early 20s and he just came up to me while i was sitting down and said any of you guys got any tree... so me being inexperieced at the time told him to come around the corner with me and as soon as i whipped it out... boom. cop car. It sucked. i got fined and had to do a shit load of community service. So the lesson i learned is not to do anything drug related with strangers

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