alright so i got something like 70 bucks so at the moment i got 3 people to chose from my main dealer but hes pretty shady ive heard of him putting people in the hospital ive seen what he can do to people which gives me a great respect for him so he gives me good deals though he ripped me off once before but that was when i didnt know mesurments since then he hasnt he says he will give me an half o or so for 60 so im like ok he sends me a pic i accept it as legit and he tells me that he needs me to front him cash so i tell him no and ask him if i can go with him to the house and make the deal myself with him so he says ok but im kind of iffy on that because it looks pretty dark and shady like im going to get jacked and my ass kicked or stabbed and i got two other people one of them is a pretty nice guy but he gives me quality over quanity which i dont like but he gives me like 15 a gram of some purple kush which i like but its just not enough cause im a little strapped for cash i know he wont rip me off he even tells me he doesnt like asking for people to front cash unless absoulutly needed so this guy i like but he gives me little weed but its REALLY GOOD for expensive prices andm y third guy isnt really a dealer to me cause i havnt bought from him ever but me and my friend were talking to him cause hes his brother and can give him an ounce of some dank shit for 70 which i find amazing and he wont front cash so i think i should choose my friends brother because i dont feel like getting ripped off what does GC think???
yeah i know pretty fucked up but ive seen the weed but didnt have the money i smelled it inspected it it looked pretty legit i knew it wasnt schwag but he was getting to shady with it and i rather have my kidneys inside my body and not spewed out on main street or i can get some better shit from the other guy who isnt shady but i wont get as much so i think i just answered my own question haha i think im just going to buy from my freinds brother but keep the nicer dealer on hand so incase something comed up i still got SOMBODEY to go to
sucks how your main dealer is.... my dealer has invited me over to smoke on his stash alot....hes a cool guy guess we are pretty good friends
yeah well my freind got roughly 12 grams from his brother and it was like a sandwhich bag filled 1/4 up with nugs for only 20 or 25 or so i was like WTF so he probably gets good ass deals cause his brother but my problem is that i need just one MAIN dealer that i can alwasy go to and since im not really freinds aqanitce or hasnt even met my freinds brother yet i dont think i can continue buying from him unless i ask my freind first to buy from him which is pretty sketchy in itself
haha yea i was in that situation. i have a very convenient and trust worthy dealer next door, but he only sells 15 a gram. im like i need REGULAR weed. haha all the regs or mids guys are shady
haha yeah fosho i know what u mean i dont want like a dime of some DAAANNNKK ASS STINKY SMELLY ASS SHIT for like 80 dollars just because its that good so im like from now on like hey it all gets u high just some are better then others but in the end u smoke it all anyway so haha so yeah haha has anybodey ever done nutmeg haha just heard about that the other day seems pretty fucked up
I know money is tight, but you should be taking advantage of the reliable guy who can get you high quality MJ. Those connections can be hard to come by at times.
yeah there was a huge ass weed bust in downtown Dallas this year so its been pretty dry shrooms lsd everything is so hard to come by and if u can even get costs so much well i think im going to cut the hell off my shady dealer lately hes been acting to secretive for my liking im going to stick with my two guys proably at later times i might buy smaller bags from the purple kush nice dude and bigger sacks from my friends brother that seems like a good plan untill the weed seasons start kicking up over here and note i enjoy and appreceate all ur help LETS HEAR SOME STORIES: times getting caught, getting ripped off, cop troubles, anything man just something funny or interesting
get tha headies for 15 a gram, save up for an 1/8 or half 8th so u get it for like 50 an 8th or so. Just smoke less to be way higher, its a better high. Its just quality or quantity along with potential homicide. I see a clear winner here. Anyways dont do nutmeg, it can be real fucked up and last like 2 days and shit.
hell no i wont do nutmeg i heard that gives u herpes hahaha no but setriously thats really low to get high off unless u REEEEALLLLYY nneed it