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Dealer played sick joke on me

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by potsmoker2, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. Hey GC just started smoking a few months ago but last week my dealer played a sick joke on me. The guy was kind of sketchy and I didn't know him very well. He was referred to me by a friend that doesn't smoke. I would usually buy a dime every 2 weeks or so. The weed was pretty good but the guy was still very creepy and was always late, or showed up with like 6 people and surrounded me.

    Anyway last week I picked up a dime, went home, rolled up a blunt, and smoked it. I was very high, I wasn't doing much for a while but then my dealer texts me. The text reads "fuck you faggot, the weed was laced with rat poison".

    My heart immediately sinks and I go into a state of complete and utter distress. I throw up and my body temperature drops, I am so high that I'm convinced the weed was laced and I was going to die. I grab the phone and flip out on him, cursing him out and telling him he's a fucking dead man. He says it was just a joke, the weed isn't laced, and that he was gonna throw me a free dime for fukin with me.

    I'd never felt so relieved in my life. I was still extremely pissed at the guy, and don't buy from him anymore. But I did take that free dime. I have a new connect now. If you guys have any stories similar feel free to share them.
  2. At least you solved the problem well, fuck that guy man! At least you got your free dime and dipped :)!
  3. :mad:that guy sucks, ur better of not dealing with him ever:mad:
  4. Buy from him again and make him feel bad so he'll give fatter hook ups!
  5. lol and you accepted his free dime afterwards? To be honest, so would I.

  6. No way. Just mentioning rat poison was enough to make me stop copping from him.
  7. aaaahhaahhahaahahhaaahahaahhah that was you??

  8. What a dumbass dealer, last time I checked playing practical jokes on your customers didn't help to rake in the dough.
  9. Sell him a bag with rat poison really in it.

    jk dont do it. But it would be funny.
  10. I probably wouldn't have believed it. If they were actually planning on killing you, they'd have to be a complete dumbass to send a text about it. Then again, that's sober me speaking.
  11. Smart not going to him anymore at least, people who don't respect you enough not to fuck with you like that are probably bad people to be dealing with at all.
  12. That's fucked up man.
  13. I'm so sorry but I laughed so hard at the end when he threw you a g for fuckin with ya. That's hilarious...But oh man I'd be FREAKING out if someone pulled some shit on me like that. o_O
  14. That's pretty fucked up. It's crazy how your brain can fuck you up so much when you think you've taken something. I wish i knew how to make myself higher just by thinking about it.
  15. hahaha,that's one dicky joke XD but you can't argue with free weed :D
  16. My dealer put dirt in my weed after my villager dad answered the phone when he called. Dirt hurts to smoke.
  17. Wouldn't you be able to tell if your weed was sprayed with any chemical?
  18. LOL...Most of ya act like ya never fuked with anyone or pulled a prank before :poke::confused_2:

    Hell the dealer even told him he'd throw him a free bone...Damm...get a sense of humor already!
  19. woulda been like "sheeeeeeeyit whats done is done" and gone to sleep hahaha :eek:
  20. hahhahaha he made you throw up, awesome prankster!

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