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dealer is acting like a child.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by WrathofAmon, Nov 25, 2011.

  1. so, a few days ago, one of my dealers offered to match the price of an 8th with my other dealer ($50), and offered to start throwing in an extra .5 with it. now hes going back on the deal after i reminded him of it, and hes throwing a temper tantrum like a 2 year old. regardless, and i've told him that i'll start buying off him again when he learns how a business runs, which i must say pissed him off even more lol.
  2. Well he should man up and quit being a little bitch. He told you he would plug you for $50 an eighth, and now he's changing his mind. I wouldn't deal with someone like that, and I think you did the right thing. Fuck him, pick up from the other guy. He told you he'd do something, now hes trying to get out of it, thats fine, but he won't have your business anymore.

    You don't tell someone you'll do something for them, and then not do it and try to take it back. Plus, $50 for an eighth is a normal price. IMO $60 is overpriced, $50 is fair so he can quit crying and man up when he wants to sell with the big boys.
  3. What did his tantrum look like
  4. You mean he was charging you more than $50 for an 8er? What a DB
  5. If he's acting like a baby...
    Take his candy like one.
  6. Is he?..... Well is he a child? :smoking:

    Hah, I saw a guy walk up to someone before, grab him, the convo went like this:

    Big blk guy *no racism intended*: "give me your kush"
    Big blk guy *no racism intended*: "your my bitch"
    ...didn't know them, but that must have sucked.
  7. dealers don't run businesses, and the ones who do get out of "the game" quickly because there are no rules in the black market. all i'm saying is, im not surprised. he'll learn his lesson when he needs ur $$$, if he doesn't then everyones happy cause everyones got bud and $$$.
  8. lmao, times have changed. I haven't smoked in 10 years which i will change that soon. We use to buy an eight of nugs for $30, 1/4 of typical weed for $25, and those were 9 gram bags too
  9. Bro, don't give the guy an attitude. If he doesn't want to sell it at that price then he doesn't have to. He'll lose some business, but fuck it! Go pick up from the other guy. No need to make it a big deal to him. Just stop buying from him.

    I've never been like "well, I can get it from so and so for $50"

    my dealer would be like, "well, go get it."


    Never mind! I read your post wrong! If he said he'd do that and now he's acting the fool just don't even deal with him anymore. Pick up from your other homie!

  10. Your telling me a cash for a service/product is not a business...
    That's business in the most basic business model there is.
    You have shitty restraunts, you have shitty dealers... It's as simple as that.
    Find a dealer who is about his money and one that doesn't smoke the weed he buys then you'll be set.
  11. $60 is the norm for an 8th here.
  12. I think this guy just meant he doesn't take selling drugs as a serious business. THey don't pay taxes on it, it isn't a legit business. Not like you go to college to learn how to market your business, and how to run the finances. usually just dudes who hate school, and sell drugs instead
  13. [quote name='"AppleCity"']

    I think this guy just meant he doesn't take selling drugs as a serious business. THey don't pay taxes on it, it isn't a legit business. Not like you go to college to learn how to market your business, and how to run the finances. usually just dudes who hate school, and sell drugs instead[/quote]

    dealing is a business at its core, and an illegal business is still a business
  14. dealing is a business man you gotta set standards and treat people like people or they wont come to you anymore.
    @OP screw that guy dude 4G for 50 is straight but an 8th for 50 is good too, dont give him business if hes a pain to deal with. and making a promise then going back on it isnt acceptable unless he was down to his scraps on the O imo.
  15. [quote name='"Ratio"']dealing is a business man you gotta set standards and treat people like people or they wont come to you anymore.
    @OP screw that guy dude 4G for 50 is straight but an 8th for 50 is good too, dont give him business if hes a pain to deal with. and making a promise then going back on it isnt acceptable unless he was down to his scraps on the O imo.[/quote]

    thats his excuse, that it was an end of the bag deal. execpt he never told me that, and he says that he "doesnt remember making the deal".
  16. Pretty good quote not gonna lie :smoke:
  17. My indoor 1/8th'z never go pass 10 a g.My greenhouse never goes past 25 a 1/8th.. I take it you guys ain't paying 50 a 1/8th for mex brick right?

  18. I need to remind myself that there are still people out there selling grams and 8ths.

  19. No one pays 50$ for an eigth of mexican...
    50$ is an ounce of Mexican schwag.
    How it works where I'm at with the mexican shit is like so:
    10$ for 5g, 20$ for 10g, 25$ for 15g, 50$ for 28g.

    I don't know anyone who still buys that shit though.
  20. [quote name='"weedmanca1i"']My indoor 1/8th'z never go pass 10 a g.My greenhouse never goes past 25 a 1/8th.. I take it you guys ain't paying 50 a 1/8th for mex brick right?[/quote]

    nah, i buy dank shit lol. i wouldnt schwag or mids at that price.

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