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Dealer got booked

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by TheKurupted, Oct 13, 2010.

  1. closest connect with the best kush got booked.
    hanging around the high school kids too much, the cops showed up to his house with a warrant.
    ain't that just dandy? :(
  2. goodluck on the new dealer search bro

  3. Sorry to hear that buddy :( My old dealer got shot....
  4. opportunity to start growing?
  5. Always have a backup dealer, or three. :D
  6. Ouch thats a bummer. TBH I forgot what that was like, it's alll about that MMJ. :D
  7. its it wrong that i just lol'd at this? anyway rip to your dealer bro

    and my dealer got roped too, kind of a good thing i guess... seeing as i owe him for an 1/8th lol!
  8. So go get a new dealer.
    A guy got shot in my town today! :eek:
  9. Or at least they robbed the liqour store with a gun. I heard someone got shot, 20 cop cars and a helicopter! It was like Cops 3D :devious:
  10. I had a dealer that got snitched on a few years ago, it's a sad day when your best connect ceases to exist all of a sudden.
  11. Is it wrong you laughed at someone getting shot? Most likely. And I find it disturbing that you're glad someone is in jail because you owe them a small amount of money....

  12. Same sorta thing happened to me awhile ago :( had a deadly dealer use to go down his house all the time just blaze up outta his own stuff and then he'd show me all the deals he'd hav and just say pick which ever one ya wanted best dealer i ever had, he was a psycho when drunk tho so ended up havin aloada court dates and shit and then after all that was sorted out he ended up goin rehab for the other stuff he was on :( such a shame:(
  13. Are you from t-dot man? Just go downtown to Queen St. and get a new connect :hello:

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