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dealer advice - help!

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by ferbieToker, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. What's good blades? :hello: So here is my little predicament: ever since I started smoking the herb (about 4 years ago) until now my one source of weed has always been my best friend, but now he is moving out of state :( We are both private/loner stoners so-to-say so I've never really gotten to know any other connects. We have a tight knit group of friends that we smoke with and we all get our Mary from him. Anyways, he is moving in a week and so he gave me two phone numbers of people he knew that dealt.

    Since I've never really been exposed to dealing with people I do not know I'm not very aware of proper dealing etiquette. I am thinking it wouldn't be very smart to just text them and say "you sell weed man??" My friend said they've had run-ins with the Popo so they're pretty cautious :p

    Bottom Line: I need some advice on how to go about tackling this situation. Sorry for the long post and if this is a stupid question (I've just literally never had to deal with this before :rolleyes:)

  2. Ask your current dealer to come with you when you pick up from one of the new dudes for the first time so it'll be less awkward/sketchy.
  3. Text them saying you got this number from so and so and you were woundering if you could make a pick up or something along those lines.
  4. ^^ That or at least have him let them know you may be calling and to deal you straight. :smoke:
  5. Just call him and say your _______ friend. Bring a scale and if it looks light just whip it out. Also try to bring your friend for the first pick up.
  6. Yo "dealer" this is "ferbieTOKER" "friends name" friend, hit me up i wanna pick up

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