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Dead or in jail

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by AZBLAZER420, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. So my mom just told me if I keep smoking weed, Im either going to end up dead or in jail. Isnt this pretty stupid, I understand thats she really dosent want me to smoke and I have already decided to stop for awhile till I get my life back on track, but with her telling me this and saying that Im destroying my life is just going to far. Did your guys parents ever say this to you guys.
  2. Typical brainwashed concerned parent. With all the movies and news you see dealing with drugs, I would expect most parents to think that.
  3. she watches too many abovetheinfluence commercials. dw.
  4. Funny thing is she use to be married to an alcoholic/pill popper for 5 years so I thought she wouldnt make such a big deal about weed but I was wrong I think I need to get her to watch the union
  5. get facts and statistics and try to educate her a little more, im assuming your older than 16 so if she cant sit down and listen to you than mabey you should stop for a little while and try to gain her trust, fighting with loved ones over weed is just not needed.....but ya it happened to most of us people just dont know the facts and they get on you about weed while they opean up a can of beer and dont realise beer is far worse
  6. lol my moms nothing like that.... im pretty glad too.
  7. She's probably right. With the law the way it is, you'll probably end up dying in jail for a possession charge of 5 grams. Fuckin' ridiculous politicians... :mad:
  8. I bet she smoked weed when she was younger. ::smoke:
  9. If your mother continues to act like you are already a criminal, and let's say, throws you out of the house or makes you take a drug test to ruin your life, then yes you will probably end up dead or in jail.
  10. We're all going to end up dead, she's right about that one at least.
  11. Well just got into another fight, and I finally told her why I smoke, I smoke weed to relax, help me sleep, help concentrate, and just make life more bearable, and I think she might understand now. I'll post again when me and her have calm down and can talk like reasonable adults instead of 10 year olds screaming at each other. Lets hope she understands.
  12. No because my parents don't know I smoke. However there have been several times over the past year when they tell me how good I'm doing and how proud they are of me. I haven't told them it's because I have started smoking more and it changed my perspective and attitude for the better.

    The one thing I would suggest you do on your break is this: learn about cannabis. The risks, benefits, history etc. That way when you parents confront you again, you can talk to them about it and not say " I like being high fuck off"
  13. I did not see he had answered:smoke:
  14. We all end up dead :smoke:
  15. If I were you, I'd be happy the your mother cares about you that much, but sit down and try to talk to her. Explain how marijuana isn't bad for you, and how it actually have several health benefits.
  16. Ain't that the truth.

    Gotta say, there's no award for makin it to the grave in perfect condition either.

  17. I made my mom watch it too, she loved the Joe Rogan part lol but she smokes weed too so I'm not having your problem
  18. She's confused between weed and the mafia.
  19. at least your mom gives a shit enough to tell you that.
    some peoples parents dont give two fucks about their kids.
    and you know what?
    they either end up dead or in jail.
  20. Debbie downer :[

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