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Dead giveaway of a bad dealer lol

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by dankbudsmoka, Oct 12, 2010.

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  1. THIS FUCKING MORON i was going to buy from said he has some KILL which i was going to purchase because my other connect is out for the week so i said okay send me a pic.........i nearly shit my self from laughing so literally looked like brown cow shit COVERED in dead grass hahahahaha:eek: i said no way im buying that its schwag so he says okay il hook you up with some afghan chronic for 40 a (GRAM) once again i nearly shit myself from laughter and said a firm FUCK YOU lol that my friends is what i call a dead give away of a dumb ass;)

    Peace Love and Pot
  2. That wasn't a marijuana dealer
  3. Gotta love those 13-year old dealers...
  4. all he sells is bud
  5. no he deosent
  6. yeah i hate when i am more educated then my dealers in the amazing world of pot
  7. :smoke::smoke::smoke::smoke:
  8. #8 dankbudsmoka, Oct 12, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 12, 2010
    haha okay buddy i think you need to chill out and change your tampon

    [Disrespect does not fly here. -FW]


    peace love and sugar
  10. What he was trying to sell u isnt worthy enuff to be called "bud he doesnt sell bud he sells "brown cow shit COVERED in dead grass " and thats not bud
  11. #11 bigglesworth, Oct 12, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 12, 2010
    I think you need to shut the fuck up

    [Disrespect does not fly here. -FW]
  12. I don't think your dealer even exist, you made him up completely.
  13. Sounds like someone wanted to sound cool on grasscity and has failed badly.
  14. would you like me to post the video he sent me of the bud:)
  15. this thread has potential
  16. #16 dankbudsmoka, Oct 12, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 12, 2010
    where is their anything showing im trying to sound cool other than share my story? you are obviously not a true stoner for being so confrontational i will post the video i asked fof from him right now,just so you can feel like the dumb fuck that you are

    [Adults are able to converse without the insults. -FW]
  17. I think everyone should calm, down and keep the peace and the joints rollin

    post a vid i wanna see it ive never seen shitty weed in all honesty
  18. Yea actually
  19. indeed
  20. Post the pic man
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