When i first heard this story i was like"its bullshit' but after hearing the guy on the news a few minutes ago and saw the pictures I'm convinced these assholes may have found a Bigfoot. P.S. Key word here is "may"! http://www.postchronicle.com/news/original/article_212164504.shtml
That link wasn't working when I clicked it. http://www.nbc11.com/news/17175397/detail.html?rss=bay&psp=news I'd love to believe this but I'm a skeptic till I see further evidence.
They fuckin' shot Freddie! He was my friend! Seriously, 'Bigfoot was found by a company known as 'Searching For Bigfoot inc."...sounds pretty real to me. Big, ugly hairy guys with big feet should be very upset by this. I know I am.
http://www.inquisitr.com/2357/has-bigfoot-been-found/ That's a site that has a clear photo a little larger than on the other site.
people will make up anything...my friend was showing this to me this morning in class first thoughts, people WANT to believe theres this 'missing link' between us and apes...so theyll make up whatever they can... they also have full movies of this beast in colorado and it was disproved..if a VIDEO is disproved, who cant make a fake photo...theres plenty of amazing makeup artists out there
i have my doubts since i thought bigfoot was in cali and BC....im skeptical aswell but i really hope this is true so then these three dudes can say fuck you everybody we told you it was real and you all laughed...
uuumm...there is...we have two less chromosomes than apes do, thats quite a gap there... i guess well have to see if its tested and analyzed by the scientific community.
Human beings with Down Syndrome have one extra chromosome than normal people They're not so far removed from us
Is it really one extra? I thought It was 2, since they have 3 copies of Chromosome 21. Time to google.