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DEA, NO Grow Too Small?!?!

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Sloppy G, Sep 7, 2007.

  1. No time to comment, but I think the article says it all anways... I usually get mad when ppl say fck the government cus they're lazy, dum as hell or just do dum shit; but really, fuck the DEA!

    <TABLE class=contentpaneopen><TBODY><TR><TD class=contentheading width="100%">Dea Raids Small Grow in San Diego</TD><TD class=buttonheading align=right width="100%"> </TD><TD class=buttonheading align=right width="100%"> </TD><TD class=buttonheading align=right width="100%"> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE class=contentpaneopen><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top align=left width="70%" colSpan=2>Written by Administrator </TD></TR><TR><TD class=createdate vAlign=top colSpan=2>Friday, 29 June 2007 </TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top colSpan=2>The DEA, puppet to the neo-nazi reich-wing Bush administration has quite the budget. A large budget to over ride the voters from the state of California and install their brand of justice, voted on or not, to the honest law abiding citizens of our great state. Operating with federal impunity and seemingly without a conscious the DEA presses on with its failed war on drugs. This time it's a small grow in San Diego, a known hotbed for reich-wing injustice, the holier than thou attitude, and local government corruption. We were lucky enough to pick up on this first hand account and gladly pass it along. Check it out….

    "Well I was sleeping at my girlfriends last night, and at 7am this morning I hear lots of yelling outside and what I thought was someone yelling "police" so I jumped up and went to the window to see about 8 DEA agents entering the apartments next door to her (lots are very close at the beach).

    I saw them bring out a few garbage bags that I assumed were plants, 2 bags of trim in zip locks, a small bag of kief, 1 sun systems hood, 2 fluorescent bulbs, co2 tank and regulator. 5000 btu roll in portable air conditioner, 1 small dehumidifer,2 charcoal filters and what looked to be a 4x8 hydro hut. I don't really know the person in question and do not know if they had a medical card. This was a very SMALL grow, The apartment is only a small 1 bedroom, and these were DEA agents.

    One of the DEA Dorks was wearing a shirt that said " YOU GROW WE SHOW, NO GARDEN TO SMALL". I started taking pictures of this shirt and several photos of the DEA cars and agents that I am still debating posting.

    I watched all this from outside while smoking cigarettes, periodically going inside to take a bong hit of some grapefruit haze to start the day. So just a reminder to everyone to play it safe. "
    Well, at least the grapefruit haze sounds good, what about the photos? With a bit of prodding he released them. Very covert photography, very revealing. I'd urge more citizens to photograph instances like this one to keep the invasion of our liberty in the public eye. We're delighted to have these.
    The handbags and the glad rags that your poor oldgrand dad had to sweat to buy ya..YOU GROW WE SHOW, NO GARDEN TO SMALL
    <ADDRESS> </ADDRESS><ADDRESS> [​IMG]</ADDRESS><ADDRESS> The DEA shows up in force for one hydro hut.

    While the DEA has money for IR enhanced helicopters, night vision goggles and anal probes that penetrate Joe Citizen's ass so deep they can tell what you had for breakfast 3 weeks ago…. remember. You get to pay for it all. A marijuana arrest every 45 seconds, yeah we got our own Tee Shirt budget now, if Joe Citizen can afford Denny's for breakfast 3 weeks ago he can cough up a Tee shirt budget. Yee-haw the war on drugs is full speed ahead against our normal otherwise law abiding citizens. Charge them to oppress them that's our motto, we're the DEA. We are an agency at war, and anything goes. We have the best spin doctors in the business and we can make shit taste just like chocolate, so open wide Joe, and don't forget to pay. Because we plan on rubbing your face in it some more.

    Let's baffle them with WMD in Iraq and bullshit them with reports linking marijuana to violent crime. Oh no, my ass just attacked the couch as I was writing this article! But I could just as easily ran down to the liquor store and held it up at gun point. Ya never know with this stronger pot we're suddenly getting now, according to the DEA. I'm pretty sure they got a study linking your ass attacking the couch as a gateway to robbing liquor stores. That's right, but when you click on the link to the study it just says you don't have permission to access that page Joe Citizen. You ain't good enough, forgetaboutit.

    I got an idea for you Mr tee shirt DEA man. You can throw all the evil pot smokers into Git Mo bay. Don't forget the banner behind Bush that reads mission accomplished. Because you're going want to celebrate the end to the war on drugs. Don't forget to mention how much ass you kicked on the pot smokers, Joe citizen eats that shit up! I bet the place that does your tee shirts has really cheap banners. </TD></TR><TR><TD class=modifydate align=left colSpan=2>Last Updated ( Saturday, 30 June 2007 ) </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
  2. man, fuck the DEA

    to a point......they can crack down on the dirty shit......

    leave the plants alone
  3. ^^ I disagree. Everyone has a right to choose what they put in their body, its their lives, its their body, its their choice. Any substance can be used with safety, whether it be marijuana, crack-cocaine or 4-ho-mipt.

    The government makes it like they care about our health, and thats why drugs are illegal.

    Yeah right, they dont give a fuck about our health. They sell guns at fucking Walmart. They just want us to buy their drugs. Cigs, alcohol and pharmaceuticals.
  4. Oh yeah, with regards to the president bush *****.

    You know Mr. Bush here is planning on opening a Think-Tank when he is out of office?

    That's kinda like Michael Vick's opening an Animal Shelter.

    Something tells me his Think-Tank will only have a shallow end.
  5. fuckin' DEA just knows they can't tax what is illegal, so they hate anyone growin' that shit.

    it's just like moonshining back in prohibition.
  6. I really wish there were shirts that "civilians" could wear stating something along the lines of "Fuck The D.E.A."... Unless they already exist, and I just haven't seen them. Link, maybe?

    Regardless, incidents like this make me loathe this country more and more with each passing day. It makes me ashamed to be an American.

  7. ok...people can put into there body what they want......

    just alot of the times what people think there getting, isnt what it should at least be regulated under false advertisement and shit
  8. Ok, all this shit is right from the Wikipedia page on the DEA:

    You should really read it if you have time, if you dont, here's the interesting shit, I try to quote so it's not misleading either, but it will really sound like i'm trying to slam them

    Trying to get a job with the DEA? Well, fuck you too:
    "Applicants who are found, through investigation or personal admission, to have experimented with or used narcotics or dangerous drugs, except those medically prescribed, will not be considered for employment with the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). Exceptions to this policy may be made for applicants who admit to limited youthful and experimental use of marijuana. Such applicants may be considered for employment if there is no evidence of regular, confirmed usage and the full-field background investigation and results of the other steps in the process are otherwise favorable.<SUP class=reference id=_ref-2>[5]</SUP>
    <SUP class=reference></SUP>
    The DEA's relatively firm stance on this issue is in contrast to that of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, which is considering relaxing its hiring policy on drug use.<SUP>"</SUP>
    "In 2005, the DEA seized a reported $1.4 billion in drug trade related assets and $477 million worth of drugs.<SUP class=reference id=_ref-3>[6]</SUP> However, according to the White House's Office of Drug Control Policy, the total value of all of the drugs sold in the US is as much as $64 billion a year<SUP class=reference id=_ref-4>[7]</SUP>, making the DEA's efforts to intercept the flow of drugs into and within the US less than 1% effective. Defenders of the agency's performance record argue that the DEA has had a positive effect beyond their relatively small annual seizures by placing pressure on traffickers, raising prices for consumers which, it is hoped, may reduce the affordability of drugs. Critics of this theory (including the Nobel Prize winning economist Milton Friedman) point out that demand for illegal drugs shows little price sensitivity; the people who are buying drugs will continue to buy them with little regard to price, often turning to crime to support expensive drug habits when the drug prices rise. One recent study published in the The Atlantic lending credence to the criticism shows that in every major US city, from New York to Los Angeles, the price of street cocaine has dropped."
    REALLY?!?! I mean jesus, donate the money to cancer research or something?? Or to NASA, they might not do anything useful on Earth, but kids at least dream about becoming an astronaut,... not fighting a loosing war on drugs.

    OK, I've accepted the fact that the DEA is useless, but come on...
    "DEA was accused in 2005 by the Venezuelan government of collaborating with drug traffickers, after which Hugo Chávez decided to cut off any collaboration with the agency. In 2007, after the State Department criticized Venezuela in its annual report on drug trafficking, the Venezuelan Minister of Justice reiterated [restated] the accusations: "A large quantity of drug shipments left the country through that organization,...[]..We were in the presence of a new drug cartel."<SUP class=reference id=_ref-11>[15]</SUP>
    In the Netherlands both the Dutch government and the DEA have been criticized for violations of Dutch sovereignty in drug investigations. According to Peter R. de Vries, a Dutch journalist present at the 2005 trial of Henk Orlando Rommy, the DEA has admitted to activities on Dutch soil. Earlier, then minister of justice Piet Hein Donner, had denied to the Dutch parliament that he had given permission to the DEA for any such activities, which would have been a requirement by Dutch law in order to allow foreign agents to act within the territory <SUP class=reference id=_ref-12>[16]</SUP>."

    I mean if you're not gonna do anything useful with taxpayer, hard-earned dollars, dont go doing illegal shit! This really makes me sick to the pit of my stomach.

    Is there one other single organization that's as useless as the DEA?? I mean, the Video Club I started in high school was more productive than that, we got something done and actually made money back while doing it.

    I'll stop here, I could really go on for hours with this shit. I think I legitimately HATE the DEA, it's pretty much the enbodiment of everything illegal. They violate human rights in the US and Internationally as well. Good going Karen, I really hope you loose your job. Another Side Note:
  9. Interesting thread, it's too bad the DEA wasn't smart enough to find out about that guy themselves. More often than not, pinheads like the DEA get "anonymous tips" from "concerned citizens," ex-girlfriends, or some other pud whacker that has an ax to grind. It never ceases to amaze me about some growers, they just aren't happy unless everyone knows about what they do, and on top of that they moronically think they have the right to be assholes. Don't get me wrong, personally I think it's everyone's God given right to be an asshole, but if you grow marijuana you lose that right. Law enforcement doesn't really have to do that much leg work these days, all they have to do is answer the phones when the "tips" comes in.

    Unless you're running a large commercial operation there's no reason in the world you should get busted, none.

  10. In the time they took to do the "take down" they prolly could have stopped a massive amount of herion and cocaine coming into the country, but hey, pot is way worse for people in america, god forbid them wanting to smoke a plant.

    sometimes the govt makes me MAD!

    good thing i can just :smoking:
  11. fuck em with a splintery 2x4. too bad the "terrorists" never bombed the shit outta dea hq.
  12. I agree, they just want us to buy alcohol and tobacco so they can tax it. At the end of the day, that's all they really care about.

  13. Bush's idea of a think tank has already been shown to the world. Anyone see that South Park that made fun of Family Guy? Thats Bush's Think Tank.
  14. Did he say that crack cocaine can be used with safety, u must not live in the hood, r had a parent r someone close to u smoke crack, n if so u must do it cause aint shit safe about crack. The shit dont even sound safe. "crack"...why would u wanna smoke something called "crack". The shit even sound dangerous.

    P.s. yeah im high
  15. Say man, I don't give a fuck about the feds, DEA, ATF, Task Force, Jump Out Boys or your local neighborhood robbers baby, I gots to keep on PUSHIN'!
  16. Better not say anything bad about the DEA.

    The government may be watching :eek:
  17. this is why you don't tell anyone you grow, people talk. And either this will happen, or you will get robbed when you're not home.
  18. Yea man. Fuckin DEA wasting our taxpayer dollars for such a pointless cause.

  19. LOL. you just made my day:smoking:
  20. People sayin' Coke and Heroin is bad news, and herb is PRO? Da fuck, you tellin' me about how herb grows out of the ground and that's why its ok and yayo and the H is evil? Fuck that man, Coca plants and poppy fields are as natural as it gets. They're just plants too... ya'll need to revise your arguments.

    I'm not sayin yayo and H are straight or anything, and herb IS PRO. But not with that argument. If you throw that factor out you're no different than a blind government trying to convince me of some shit that ain't true.

    Just throwin it out there... think about what you say and how you try to argue your beliefs. Because if you use an argument for your purpose just because you think it works and not because it's true, than you're fucked from the beginning. Yeah, of course herb grows out of the god damn earth, but so does everything in some way.

    Bush was birthed from human beings and ate food from the earth to grow into an adult... that doesn't make him "good" in anyway. Damn, what a shitty example, I'm really drunk so it's hard for me to come up with something better. Work with me here tho. You see what I'm talkin' about or did I drop my time unwisely?

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