DEA Fucks up BIG TIME (you might rage)

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by BrewCityLegend, May 2, 2012.

  1. DEA Ignored All My Cries: Student | NBC San Diego

    There is also a video if you click the link

    Basically, he got busted on 4/20, got questioned by the DEA, and they placed him in a holding cell where they forgot about him for 5 days - he had no food or water during that time. Absolutely insane.
  2. that is SO fucked up
  3. this is beyond fucked up
    why was there meth in his cell?
  4. I would sue the fuck out of the DEA and press charges, no human deserves to be treated that way.
  5. thats fucked up
  6. fucking DEA. This is beyond fucked up.
  7. This is good, I mean fucking terrible for the student, but this will get the ball rolling on getting the DEA out of California, like they should be. I hope he sues them for millions of dollars, it fucked up his life 100%.
  8. don't even...if he doesn't get millions out of this then...I don't even know...I'm glad he's back though. I can't imagine what the outcome would've been if he had killed
  9. Feds have immunity from law suits.
  10. Holy shit fuck the dea i wanna know why meth was in his cell though lol
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  11. Damn, he's lucky to be alive...
  12. Why don't I read about rapist and child molestors spending 5 days in isolation without food or water. Take that you pot smoker! You violent offender!
    The only words I have are....w....t...f??!!!
  13. Fuck the feds!
  14. I usually forget where I put my keys. I don't believe I could just forget that I locked up a human being in a cell for 5 days.

    I'm pretty sure the DEA agent did it on purpose.

  15. This is not good. In any way. Who cares if it helps a cause this guy was practically tortured to insanity over smoking marijuana... Would you still think it was good if you were in his place? Who cares what it helps this is one of the most fucked up things I've read in awhile. That office deserves to be shut down.

    And meth ALREADY in his cell? They either don't clean for shit, or planted it there. Either way the DEA should be heavily reprimanded. Fucking cocks
  16. Sue the motherfucking-fuckity-fuck outta them.

    Heads need to roll.
  17. False, the DEA can and will be sued. Only several people have immunity, this does not include the DEA. People like Federal prosecutors do though, which is terrible Freeway Ricky Ross case for example.
  18. WTF....DEA Crins

  19. I read this story earlier today.

    I bet the kid gets a pretty big settlement. And everyone working on his case should be fired or suspended.

    I mean this kids story is sad as it. Imagine if this poor dude had died in there. 5 days with out food or water is cutting it close. I bet if he had died in there, the DEA would have come up with some bullshit reason on how they weren't responsible and the kid killed himself or OD'd or something.
  20. i without a doubt would go through this for a couple million! And then i would thank the DEA as i chiefed on a big ass blunt with a shit eating grin!

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