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DEA find 200 pot plants in mall

Discussion in 'General' started by Starlore, Aug 24, 2008.

  1. #1 Starlore, Aug 24, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 24, 2008

    "more than 200 marijuana plants standing 3 to 6 feet tall in the air, the pot worth "millions" of dollars was found in a storage area on the second floor of the mall"

    :rolleyes: Millions, right....

    Haha. Used the malls power source.

    "The DEA says the flimsy wiring is a fire hazard and could cause this room to explode at any minute".

    "They wont tell us how they found the grow house"..... I thought it was a mall not a house :p

    Still gotta throw out some ingenuity props to the grower. :hello:

    Sounds like someone ratted him out though.


    Coming to a mall near you.
  2. Why doesn't the drug enforcement agency bust a meth lab or something.
  3. haha i just did the math... if each plant was female and yielded a qp each for them to be worth 1 million (and they said millions) it would have to sell for 45 a gram
  4. because potheads dont resist as much when you bust em, and 200 plants still looks good on paperwork.
  5. thats smart, growin in the mall!!
    but the question is how the fuck dea found out??

    fuckin dea,
    plus 200 plants=millions of dollars

    haha yeah right, more like 10k
  6. 200 plants is worth alot more than 10 k, if they were good i could see $100,000
  7. thats what i was saying, i thought 10k was 100,000 ahh oh well
  8. outside the cinnabon stand,

    "you guys smell weed?"

    "yeah your right its probably nothing"
  9. that's a clearance if I ever heard one, were any of the plants on sale?
  10. they called it a hydroponics lab. all the plants are in pots in soil. i swear they spread general ignorance
  11. Thank god!

    Just think of all the lives they saved. phew!

    Thank Jesus too.
  12. Yeah they always overestimate drug prices to make it seem like they're taking "millions" of dollars of dangerous drugs off the streets.

  13. Just think of all the kids whose lives would of been ruined!

  14. Looks like I've been going to the wrong malls :(
  15. I think we've all been going to the wrong mall. lol

  16. To the food court!!!

  17. Can we stop by the crayola store on the way? The different color tiles are always fun =D
  18. Were the wires draped across c4 or something?

    Stupid federal agents...
  19. You would think so wouldn't you :p
  20. lmao, i wonder what the training is like to become a dea agent. i wonder if they just brainwash you, or if they're all sitting there laughing at the shit they're gonna tell innocent and naive people. If i ever meet a dea or former dea agent, i am gonna give him a nice fuckin slap across the face, douchebags.

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