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De-chlorination with the stuff for an aquarium?

Discussion in 'Growing Organic Marijuana' started by nuttybong0, Aug 13, 2011.

  1. Basically like the title says. I just started feeding my girls Earth juice at the same time I just got an 8*4 tent, so now I have more space for more girls. I now need a bigger reservoir but in the mean time i was wondering if the stuff used to dechlorinate water for fish tanks would be safe to use for my plants.
  2. I've used it for years with no problems, the 1 drop/gallon stuff. Used it with EJ too.

    Trust me, tropical fish are waaay more sensitive than mj plants
    and if it doesn't hurt them ..............

  3. I thought so. I was changing the water in my fish tank the other day and the thought hit me. Thanks for the input wetdog.
    Anything else you got on earth juice, I'm trying to gather all the info I could find.
  4. Have you ever used your aquarium water for irrigation? A friend of mine used to raise misquito guppies in an 80 gal tank just for the "happy water" they produced. Guppieponics. De-Chlor will help remove gaseous chlorine, but does nothing for chloramine. You can always call your municipal water office to find out which one they use.
  5. < 1 tsp of organic material in a gallon of water (even molasses will suffice) is enough to convert the chloramine to chlorine which is then bubbled out.

    Ain't exactly rocket science.............

  6. That's great news! Now I can save some of those worm castings iv been using to convert the chloramine... Your awesome
  7. I've read the same thing LD, but I've never had to deal with it myself. A small amount of chloramine isn't necessarily detrimental to plant health, but the entire reason some places have switched over is because of how long acting it is. Bubbling will not and cannot remove it because of the way it binds to the water. I have read on a few vegetable gardening sites that some cities spike their water so heavily with chloramine that making a compost tea is virtually impossible with the municipal water. On one site an urban gardener, who also happens to work in microbiology did a test each week on a batch of compost tea she made from her citie's water. The kill rate was so perfect that after weekly tests for a month on her tea, there was no more active microbes than when she started.

  8. Not quite so. The AZOO that I use also removes chloramine.


  9. Do you have a link, or remember the PPM of the chloramine?

    I use tap with no observed ill effects, but my water only has 2-3PPM of chloramine. They do douche the system with chlorine for 1 month/year. March or April, I'd have to look it up again. But it's still too cold for much growing then and I take precautions for it. Hell, you can smell it in the water.

  10. Typical stoner surfin WetDog, I can't even remember what site it was on. But I do remember some of the Urban Gardeners really raising a fuss about it and a few claimed that the cities they live in really overuse it at times. That's awesome they have a product to break the bond so the stuff can escape(or whatver it does).
    I'm no chemist either, but I was under the impression that chlorine and ammonia don't get along too well. I wonder what or how they blend the 2 together to make chloramine. I remember the days of dealing with city water as well, frikkin sucks. One day the water is fine then they shock it, and it smells like clorox coming out of the tap.:mad:
  11. did not know that molasses would do it. good shit LD. I've been using Hi brix molasses so looks like I'm good. Thanks man.
  12. #13 orellej, Sep 21, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 21, 2011
    you could use the aquarium bubbler in a big bucket to get rid of the chlorine too and that would be organic. just letting the water sit for a few days in an open barrel or whatever will also work. i used to truck in my 350 gallon tank filled with spring water during the drought. chlorine sucks, no place for it in organic gardening. j

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