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Dazed and confused, litterly.

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Corbrey, Sep 14, 2007.

  1. So this afternoon was just perfect. I just have to post about my day! It was amazing!

    Well I woke up a little late, I have to go to GED classes, and I woke up a short time before them and quickly had to shower and get ready and head out. Well I got there 6 min late, not bad at all, teacher didn't care.

    Well this is my second day of class, and there is only 5 of us in the class. It's a GED class, not many people are as retarded as us and drop out of highschool haha. I have a ligit reason for having to get my GED. I got fucked by the school systems big time.

    Well anyways, I found out that I really don't need to be in those classes. On the practice tests I scored perfect on 2 of the segments, and got no more then 4 wrong of the 250 questions for each test. I felt like king kong on cocaine!

    Well I got home, I just thought of how perfect of a day it was, 70 out, not a cloud in the sky. Well I went outside and called up my girl and rolled a fat blunt, a Trip, the name of the Juicy Jay, fucking AMAZING blunt wrap.

    Anyways, I smoked that to my head and just sat there thinking about the future, and I have to say there is nothing better in the world then sitting under a tree on a perfect day and smoke a nice fat blunt and just picture where your going in life.

    It was just a perfect moment, I had my iPod also so I had some great mellow music.

    Perfect day! And for all that had a shitty day and got busted and such, wish you were safe smoking that blunt with me ;)
  2. Sounds like a chill time bro.
  3. Good for you. You should be pleased.
  4. HELL YEAH! I'm a big blunt man myself, they will cure AIDS one day...but thats real chill man
  5. right on man, congrats on the tests. if only everyone could feel that good all the time

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