Daylight savings?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by 420n406, Mar 13, 2011.

  1. Do you guys change the time on your timers for daylight savings or leave the same or do a change of a time over a few days? Will it mess them up to change them a hr all at once??
  2. just keep it rollin. if you dont like the schedule, nows the time to change it. if in flowering, extend the dark time to whenever you want the lights to come on. if in veg, it doesnt matter much, extend the light or dark period to reach your goal.
  3. I really like the schedule that i'm on now and if I was to keep that then that would mean cutting it down to a 11 dark period for today. Will that be ok?
  4. if you are in 12/12 and your lights go on and off at 9 and you want to keep it that way, shut it off at 9 (timer will be set to 10 since daylight savings time). and re-set your timer while the lights are out. you will end up giving the girls an extra hour of dark, which they wont mind. in flower, if anything, you want to extend the dark period, not the light.

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