daylight savings time

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by 1bakedpotato, Mar 13, 2011.

  1. All my stories seem so start off with "Last night we were smoking some weed...." but, we were 3 blunts deep last night, and our cellphone clocks changed. We both know about Daylight Savings time, its been around here for a little while now.. but it got us fucking going at the time..

    It was me and my homey, his girl was sitting next to him listening to music. He looked at me in this VERY amusing dumbfounded look.. it was like a slave look lol. I dont remember the exact conversation, but it went something like this:

    z "wtf man why do we have to change time?"
    me "dude idk and who the fuck gets to decide?!"
    z "george washington or some shit? what the fuck you cant mess with time... why does one man get to decide time?"
    me "idk *laughing my asss off*" *points up to the big man*
    z "this is how it probably went *closes eyes* okay we're in a time machine now, *opens eyes* and he went around changing everyones watches, and eventually it got out, and people considered it MAGIC and left it how it was.
    me "he pulled the biggest trick over everyones eyes huh?"
    z "lol yea, its still getting us today"
    me "thats what I hate about history, like in history books and school and shit"
    z "yeah they always try to pretty that shit up, a lot of shit is spur of the moment."

    Anyways, that was the conversation.. but it did get me thinking.. why the FUCK am I changing my clock ahead 1 hour and back 1 hour in the fall?!?!?!
  2. Wikipedia says it is to allow for more sunlight during the afternoon and less during the morning with a bunch of different reasons for doing so like to benefit certain businesses and energy conservation.

    We don't observe daylight savings here so the whole things is really strange to me.

  3. you can't just fuck with time though.... lol
  4. Why not?

  5. because its time..... lol i dont wanna fuck with time, can u fck with time?
  6. We're not doing anything to physically distort time, simply changing the labels we apply to it. I'll ask again, why can't we fuck with time? "Because it's time" and "[you] don't wanna" aren't really reasons.
  7. Remember, there is no such thing as time. It's something we as humans made up :smoke:
  8. Exactly. Time is basically an imposed construct.
  9. but why does that one guy get to change it?

  10. it exist we just have a very very limited understanding of it or no understanding of it at all for that matter.
  11. how can u say time doesnt exist? there goes that POINT in time... ohp, theres another.

    How doesnt time exist? :confused:
  12. time is perceived
  13. Time is a measurement relative to all things that do exist.
  14. DST = A bunch of people deciding to do everything an hour later/earlier.
  15. NO! time exists. we made up the word but it still exists.what makes you think time doesnt exist? time is very real lmao. if there was no such thing as time we could live forever cause time wouldn't matter therefore we wouldn't age.
  16. My phone says its 2:30, but my computer says its 3:30.

    I dont know which one people are going by.

    Kinda like not knowing which one it is..fuck a time

  17. So we're manipulating time to "better" our lives? Who's to say that these time changes actually help?

    Imposed, but still very real.

    So by changing time does that reassure that we do not exist?

    Go by the earlier one, stick it to the man ;)
  18. Well, I found out my dealer is going to be home around I think I gotta go with what my computer says....since its closer to...uhm, when I can get am I even saying.....fuck this thread! Can ya tell im waiting for a pickup hahah

  19. follow the weed mans timeframe
  20. lol, lot of people seem to bitching about losing an hour...i just posted this in nirvana but had to post here as well after seeing this thread-be happy you didnt lose 11 days...:smoke:

    Calendar Reform in England, 1752

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