Day Without Immigrants!

Discussion in 'General' started by Rasta_Man, May 1, 2006.

  1. im not trying to say that i hate immigrants or that they should go home im saying i dont think its fair for them to do it illegally.

  2. you tell me where that money is going to come from and ill be ready to shoot you down.

    why the FUCK do we need allies? we are huge compared to everyone military, we dont need mexicans' help.

    and hypothetically speaking, if you did move here illegaly to "provide for your family" then pay fucking taxes. i think there should be open season on illegals.
  3. Soon we'll see "Day Without the USA!"

    Everyone'll be like "OH MY GOD THE WORLD IS ENDING!!"

    I mean, I'm not even American...I'm just sayin is all.

  4. Do you think all American's can speak English? Half of the posters here can't write proper english. It bugs the hell out of me when I have to decipher some of the gawd-awful illiterate posts here, BUT I would never think of making it a requirement for everyone here to post so that I can understand them.
    You must be thinking about all the unemployed people in the US. The working immigrants that are here DO pay taxes... it's taken out of their paychecks just like every other working American.
    Then who do you suppose is going to take those jobs at the wage the immigrants are receiving?
    You've GOT to be kidding... or really uninformed.
    Maybe because we can't find any who'll do it for the shit wages that are offered?
    That's what we used to say about the Negro slaves... sub-human? That biased judgement is so wrong on so many levels!
    Many of the illegal immigrants are working here while waiting for their citizenship papers to come through. That's one of the big concerns in this issue. There's so much fucking bureaucracy behind the citizenship process that there's a backlog of applicants that we're just not getting to fast enough. It's not like they can cross the border, apply for citizenship and get their papers all in one day.

    It's not a source of taxes at all. It's an appropriation of tax dollars. But let's not get into the welfare issue... I'll end up dominating this thread with my opinions...
    They take advantage of it because we offer it. What's wrong with that? If we didn't offer it, they couldn't take advantage of it. And it's not like they all just come over here and sit and wait for money. THEY WORK. And in return for that work, we pay them. There are more American deadbeats in the southern US sucking our welfare system dry than there are illegals doing the same thing.
    We've already done that. It didn't last.

    In conclusion, I say let's just annex them into the US, therefore making all of them legal citizens and ridding us of this whole immigration issue! :cool:
  5. tweech. the problem with the illegals and the wages are that the illegals have driven the wages so low because they need the job so bad. the come in here illegally and drive the wages for those jobs down so now nobody but an illegal immigrant would want to work for that much money.

    and tweech he also ment that they dont really pay taxes. they dont hit up the post office on tax month believe me.
  6. I feel what you r saying Tweech, but just b/c it is there does not mean its alright or justified to take advantage of. The systems r put there to help, but when there r so many people misusing it in the same way it just gets us into the hole more. I don't think I have the answer and I would hope that no one person thinks they do. This is going to take work on so many levels that it's not even funny. I am just pointing out some of the things I think r kinda wrong you know? I just think it is wrong to take advantage of any country whether your there illeagally or not. JOE>
  7. I went to KFC today and all the white people which there were like 4 of were all complaining that the brazillians didnt come in haha
  8. i work construction...and i had the day off because i couldnt do my job bc the spanish peeps didnt show up to do their job
  9. I'm an immigrant straight up canadian bitchs out to take your fuckin job hahaah
  10. Tweech, I'm with you on what you said man.:metal: On any other given day of the week, I couldn't give a damn about how many immigrants are coming in, but this is a big issue now. A lot of you say,"They don't pay taxes" Well guess what, most of them make less than $20 a week, and with taxes as high as they are, they wouldn't have a paycheck after that. In the end none of you can deny that illegal or not, immigrants are still WORKING their asses off for the kind of money that you all buy a pack of gum for. Chill out people.

    Ohh and the sub-human comment, FUCK YOU you racist pig. What the hell does paying taxes have to do with being a human being. Do yourself a favor and step in front of a bus, if there is one thing I CANNOT stand, it's racism.

    And I'm WHITE, wow a white person thats not a racist, it shouldn't be that uncommon.

  11. Boosting Mexico's economy would also in turn boost our economy.

    When the U.S. give's a country Aid(money) it's under the stipulation that they can only

    buy products made in USA. So the "Long term investment Loan" we give countries

    actually helps to ensure that while we are helping others we gain alot as well.

    Haha. You'd be surprised that most illegal aliens pay taxes as well! The only taxes

    that some do not pay would be on wages earned. But seeing how I work at my mom's

    Store in da Ghetto you'll see that there are Just as many Black people that work

    and not pay taxes then Mexicans. I see people selling EBT food stamp cards for $$

    and watch people use their Gov't paid ATM card withdrawing like $350 a month they

    get for nothin and they buy crack with it.

    I don't think the problem is with illegal immigration. I think the problem is in Our

    gov't. Politics is starting to corrupt our gov't at 100 times the normal rate. Just as

    with the Romans

    And Why do we need allies?????? In case you didn't know we've alot of Different countries we are in war with. Not even countries but huge

    guirella armies. I don't care how big you are you start pissin enough people off your gonna have your hands full by yourself

  12. Well just fuck you and your theory dude.. Im proud of my ppl and my country ain´t no trash I love to be European and Portuguese mainly capiche?
  13. yeaaaa you still didnt say where the money to "boost" mexico was gonna come if we havent done that plenty of times before to no avail.
  14. Why does it matter where the money comes from?? Our National Deficit goes up

    over 1 billion dollars everyday. Why does it matter so much to you where it comes

  15. people should have the right to move and live wherever they want to at their leisure and discretion, it's not the government's place to say who can come and who can stay, despite language barriers. The whole immigration system is based around racism, xenophobia, and isolationistic bullshit imo.
  16. First off (or would that now be 'second off'?), I just want to say... I LOVE YOU GUYS!! You make me think!

    Okay, it's not the immigrants that are driving the wages down... it's the companies that hire them, and also our rich pompous congressmen. The companies will pay out the least amount they can for labor so that their profits will be higher. It's like taking the lowest bid, and you really can't fault them for it. And our cogressmen have refused to raise the minimum wage in this country while at the same time voting themselves pay raises that are many times more what I make in a year... the pay raises themselves, not just their overall pay. When I started working back in the 70's, minimum wage was $1.80 an hour. Now, 30 years later, the minimum wage is still less than $6 an hour and that increase (ha!) falls way short of keeping up with inflation. In California, in the early 80's, the legislators there voted to give themselves a pay raise of $30,000 a year. Why? Because they "hadn't received a pay raise in 5 years"! That same year, Gov. Jerry Brown declined to take his $40,000 a year pay raise that they voted for at the same time, saying that it was unnecessary to receive an increase for doing the same job he'd been hired to do. (Jerry Brown is one of my all time idols.) The same sort of arrogant legislation goes on today. Do you think any of those congressmen would step into doing the work that immigrants do?

    While the immigrants take on the shit-for-pay jobs with earnest, there are many more Americans that would rather sit on their lazy asses and refuse to work those very same jobs because it's 'beneath' them. Even if we encountered a 'Year Without Immigrants', you couldn't fill the job positions because Americans think they're above being paid the shitty minimum wage, opting instead to draw off of welfare more than they could make at minimum wage.

    I've got to stop this rambling before I really get into this welfare mess... believe me when I say that I would need an entire forum dedicated to welfare to post my opinions on that... :D
  17. ...If Only I were President....Armegeddon within acouple minutes at most.. :hello:
  18. I can't give you any rep tweech.

    But you always have something good to say! :hello:

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