Day 9 into Flowering *pics*

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Howie Mandella, Aug 14, 2012.

  1. So this is my first grow. I feel like Im doing a pretty good job. Im following the less is more approach on this when it comes to feeding. However I am using am array of Nutes in moderation.

    Bud Candy
    Sugar Storm Ultra
    Stealth Hydro - Micro and Bloom
    ( 1/3 Bloom Nutes )




  2. it looks good. Container looks small. I think rolling with 1/3 strength nutes is a good idea, at least until you switch out that soil for a hydroponic media..
  3. Looks good to me. Nice and healthy
  4. How tall we're they when you put them into flowering?
  5. They were about 16-18 inches (Clones) only one is in soil the other 5 are in a hydro set up. . .

  6. Thanks! I got 3 In soil that are 13" I've been thinking of throwing them into flowering around 16". I know they double in size and I don't have a ton of room. I just didn't know if it was to early.
  7. Yea man you should be good to go anything over 12-14 inches seems to work out just fine from what I have been told.

  8. Thanks man! Yeah I only have about 5ft tall to work with so I need to keep em short.

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