Stupid title aside, this is day 5 of flower of my CFL LED indoor. By the way the plant was growing I was guessing this one would be a girl. But I am getting anxious and nervous as I am sure many have before me while waiting on the gender of their plant to show. I am noticing around the 4-5th node that a little circle is starting to form, same with the node before it, but I'm unable to tell quite what it is yet. Then, in some other pictures I took, I can almost make out tiny green pistils coming from where the preflowers should be. What do you all think? Anyone see anything? Too early to tell? I let this thing veg for a month and a week.
Not saying you don't know, but what part are you looking at? I only saw pre flowers in pic one. And from the pic it looks rounded.. like a male... Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
I do know what to look for, and I know its a bit too early to tell, but I can tell there are a couple growths going on and I was wondering if anyone was familiar with being able to tell this early. In the first pic, top most visible node, to the left of the stipules you can see something starting to grow. In the 4th pic you can see it again from a slightly different angle. I am just anxious and want to know if its a girl! lol
Roger that. I was figuring that is what it likely was. I was using bagseed so I have having issues getting seeds to sprout, this was the only one that wanted to do anything so I am hoping it makes me proud lol
The pics are mis-focused for what we are trying to identity. The first one looked really good but it seemed a bit too far away from it so I couldn't tell by zooming in. ️
Why is there so many of these "sexing" posts? Many too early to tell. There are hundreds of videos on YouTube and tens of thousands of pictures on Google. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Yeah, no shit. But I've seen posts where some master growers have ways of identifying gender just as the preflowers start to form, sometimes right before even. The ironic thing is your comment was far more useless than you were trying to make my post out to be. Why don't you try actually smoking weed and chilling?
I'd say the answer to this is obvious but if you really need one: 1. Because it is interesting. 2. Because it is fun. 3. Same reason we get ultrasounds. 4. Having someone's informed opinion is often golden! 5. Because the people asking need/want a second opinion. There are many reasons and I, for one, am glad they post them. Also, if you don't want to roll.with it, just push your mouse, finger, along the screen and PASS.
It was a rhetorical question. An actual response, quite defensively, makes me chuckle. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk