So i'm going to fill you klin on the background story first. 2 years ago met this girl on the school bus we talked a bit but not much. The next year she was in my science class and was like the only person in the class i talked to before and hernlab partner transferred out so i went and sat with her (my lan partner was in a wheel chair and sat up at the teachers desk so when we actually did labs me and the girl moved up to the front lab table with her) and we started talking more. After a while she said her and a few friends were going to the movies, at this time im still really shy but i accept. Was an awesome time and made a few new friends out of it(no where near as shy as before now) a few weeks later she told me she kinda liked me. But the problem is ny familys super against interracial dating (shes black im white) and i knew if my family found out they flipped so i had to telk her i didnt see her that way. So a year goea by and we get to like 2 weeks ago. We start getting real flirty, touching stuff like that. Christmas night she sends me some nudes and last night i asked her out. The only problem is we have to keep it on the dl because if my family finds out were fucked...
Theyre pretty bad with it, they all grew up in philly just as the ghetto black people started to move in and a few of their friends got shot unprovoced. Still they know shes not like that. Just pure ignorance.
Guess they dont understand times changed... Not something you get judged for anymore. Which i wouldnt care about being judged either... Their ignorance is astonding
I'm assuming you're 18, in which case tell your parents to go fuck themselves if they say anything against her, same as you would any other adult.
Exactly, i do a lot of things my family hates... fuck they hate everything i do music to my overall outlook on life. Why they care is beyond me. Its my life not theirs.
Rascim is a form of ignorance just ignore your parents not their life. Interracial couples are the way racism will leave this world.
ask your parents what year it is when they react rudely. i would hope they feel stupid saying it's almost 2013 and they're still racist fucks. i would tell my parents I'M dating her and NOT THEM so what they think doesn't matter to me if they're going to be ignorant as fuck then leave me out of it.
Bitch read a fucking facebook convo... Talking about moving away or some shit... Selling the house... What the fuck is wrong with this bitch... Ive gotta find somewhere to fuckinh stay i think... Ever see that dudes thread about living in the woods?? Definantly an idea im having...
Do what the fuck makes you happy. Don't throw away a god damn good oppurtunity just because your family dissaproves.
Tell your parents that it's too late and that your tongue has already been in her butthole. They'll understand, nobody wants to do that shit twice.
Man your family living in the 60s. Surprise your family, tell them you have a girlfriend and that your gonna bring her over for dinner. Then get real high and bring her over. Videotape it so we all can enjoy their reactions.
Tell your family to go fuck themselves if they can't handle you being happy they can go suck a fat one