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Dat Ogre

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by xyz123, Sep 25, 2010.

  1. Some nuggets of ogre kush my buddy gave me for a ride, super frosty, but pretty fluffy, has a really nice taste.
  2. Wow! Looks like fresh snow haha. Enjoy!:smoke:
  3. Nice math homework!
  4. Dude I'm loving those equations and shit.

    Oh, the weed looks pretty good too.
  5. thanks guys, good ol college calculus. just took my first midterm on friday in math, did pretty good on it i think:hello:
  6. That bud looks absolutely gorgeous. Like the first snowfall in NY lol. So jealous of you Californians :D
  7. looks yummy man. That was worth the drive.
  8. for real, it happens a bunch, someone needs a ride across town or something and they give me nugs. im down
  9. Looks bomb! Now,Finnish your Money homework :D
  10. Looks dank, looks like some sativa as well, pretty heady high?
  11. thanks for the words, yeah definitely sativa dominant, im big on sativas so this one hit the spot
  12. looks like some decent mids

  13. I called my friend in so he could see those pics... epic.
  14. haha
    just cleaned some glass. and made lunches for the next week or so. roast beef sammiches. the kind
  15. Central, I'm always lovin your posts. That ogre is frosty man. Like really frosty.
    And I bet those pieces up there ^ hit very well.
    • Like Like x 1
  16. thanks man, i appreciate the kind words:wave:

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