Dark Horse title

Discussion in 'General' started by Orion2012, Mar 29, 2014.

  1. Here's a title I been working on. Enjoy the trailer!
    The Earth - here and now. Humankind is secretly enslaved by global mind-control called the GRID. Mike Morningstar and his spiritual spec-ops unit 'The Thirteen' must alter time and take down the GRID before it's too late. As fiction meets reality, The Thirteen need your help if they are to succeed in awakening humanity and changing the future. Are you awake?
    (plz pre-order via amazon, just follow link)

  2. What parts did you actually have part of or how were you involved?

    It seems like a pretty interesting story. Although we have seen many apocalyptic, end-of-mankind type of stories. This one adds a nice factor with the whole time warping... It looks cool to read when high!

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