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Danky dank Montreal pickup! [~~HQ PICS~~]

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by morethanthree, Jun 3, 2009.

  1. #1 morethanthree, Jun 3, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 3, 2009
    Picked up a fourth of this bud for 50$ CAD a couple days ago... Don't know what the strain is, but I'm pretty sure it's sativa... Smells pretty fruity too. Enjoy!


  2. Great looking bud bro, have fun with that. How much did it run you up there in Montreal?
  3. 50 Canadians a fourth!
  4. a fourth? shit for 50 damn how much is that in $ lol like 75 bucks?
  5. Actually, 45$ USD ;D :smoking: Gotta love 'em Canadian prices!
  6. dayum son looks good
  7. Looks delicious!!!
  8. look at those trichomes! : P
  9. Well, you got yourself a damn good deal.
  10. Thanks!

    I've also been comparing it to some other pictures on 'ere, and it looks like some kush! :hello:

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