Dankohzee's Ten Pound Bubblehash Thread

Discussion in 'Harvesting and Processing Marijuana' started by dankohzee, Sep 27, 2008.

  1. Hahahahaha! I got your attention didn't I? But seriously.

    Yesterday I received in the mail a brand new 8 bag set of Fresh Headies 5 gallon Bubblebags. As soon as I get off work this evening I am going to give those puppies a go. I have approximately 8 pounds of fresh frozen trim (Cheese is a bitch to trim btw) sitting in my freezer, and tonight I will use two pounds for my first run.

    [NOTE: If at any time someone wants to jump in and school me, feel free because this is my first Cold water hash run with bags and the purpose of this thread is to give people a place to post their random tips and warnings and anecdotes and such]

    I plan on doing my first run "Jamaican style," as Bubbleman calls it. In order to realize the absolute highest purity hash, I will not use any motorized stirring devices. Instead, I will use only a very large spoon or broomstick or something of that nature. I realize this won't release as many trichs per run as an electric drill with a paint stirrer, for example, but the final product will be purer. As an organic grower I'm all about pure stuff.

    The rest of my trim will probably be run tomorrow. I hope by then I will have received many tips. In turn, I will post pics along with whatever I learn on my trial run. Catch you all back here real soon...:wave:
  2. Last night I made my first batch of Bubblebag bubblehash. After gathering all the implements of construction: Cooler full of ice, several buckets, large spoon, bags, pressing screens, and towel, I was ready to go. Having watched every Bubblebag video I could find on the manufacture of bubblehash, I got started with a great deal of confidence. First I lined the bucket with all eight bags, added the suggested amount of water, and filled the bag nearly to the top with ice. Within a couple of minutes I had decided that the workbag and trim should definitely be set up and agitated in a separate bucket. In addition, it soon became painfully clear that "Jamaican style" totally sucks-- I regretted using this technique. According to the Bubbleman, this is how you achieve the highest purity hash, but it's far too labor intensive for me. Before long I had ice and water and even trim splattered all over the place. I probably screwed myself out of a couple of grams of hash, but at least I gathered some valuable knowledge.

    ...putting the icecold water in the lined buckets. I wish I had known to put the "work bag" in a separate bucket.

    ...adding some trim

    ...getting ready to spin it "Jamaican style"

    Here's a nice ball of the finest grade:

    Here's a pic of the lowest grades chopped up for drying, with some of the finer stuff in the background:

    And here's an out-of-focus pic of one of the slabs I pulled out of my "money bag"

    So that's all for the first run guys. I have two more runs to do just to finish out my Cheese trim. Next run i'll use an electric drill and paint mixing apparatus. I'll also use less material and more ice. By employing these methods, I think I can get a similar yield out of half the product.

    I hope to see some really good tips posted when I check back here later. Peace.
  3. Did you dry your trim or just put it strait in the freezer?
  4. Straight in the freezer.
  5. You should blend the leaves after doing it Jamaican style so as to get the trichomes that were missed. No point in letting it go to waste right? It may be lower quality, but with 8lbs of trim you can get a lot more I would assume from blending after Jamaican.:smoke:
  6. want my address haha that stuff looks good :) send some my way
  7. LOL. All these years I had no idea what a nice yield I could have gotten off Bubble bags. I used to make a lot of ISO, but I don't really enjoy ISO because it's so harsh most times. I would end up giving it away usually. A few pounds of butter lasts me all year, so I can only make so much of that. Needless to say, i'm very happy with my purchase. I have about 6 pounds of TW trim to run later on this week. I'm going to try to maximize yield without sacrificing quality. Next year i'll shell out the 200 for the Bubblenow. 200 isn't bad, but when you add it to the 300 investment for the bags, it's quite a lot to shell out in one year.
  8. Looks good man nice job. And it only gets easier the more you do it. My first time was a mess too. Yes more ice and electric mixer really make a big difference.(Cake mixer works better then paint mixer and does less damage to bags) I find if the shake is in big lumps in the bag you need more ice or less trim.
    also a bowl the diameter if the bags is great for inverting the bags into to spoon hash off with. im sure you saw this in a video somewhere.
    oh and 2 credit cards help a lot. and a squirt bottle help for pooling the hash to the middle of the bags after you first lift the bag outta the water.
    just a few things i noticed that helped me when i was using my bags.

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