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Danker and darker purple..

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by thresh, Jan 16, 2010.

  1. shout out to CTP cus like i she knows where ta get that dark dark :p

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  2. It looks pretty nice, but purple doesn't always mean better :p. Nice regardless though
  3. looks like a couple, maybe a few different strains. Definitely looking good, nothing compares to the PURP.

    great buds, happy tokin man.
  4. danker i couldnt say but darker yes, ive reached a point where it takes a good amount of weed to get me high regardless of what it is
  5. sucks, maybe it's time for a little T break eh? My metabolism is high enought that I get baaaaked every time I smoke really. But the first high of the day is always the best :hello:

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