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Dank San Diego Nugs; Flowering shots

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by dandeedank, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. Just picked up some more nugs from the dispensary and thought I would share. I didn't have time to take a lot of pics so here is one of each. Also included some pics of the Master Kush I am growing. First Time growing anything and is going well, over fed her a little bit and hence the burning on the leaves. Enjoy!

    Green Crack: $60 for 5 grams [​IMG]

    Af-Band: $45 for 4 grams

    Master Kush full plant shot:
    (Did a tie down method to bush her out, didn't do a great job at tying the middle branches down which is why they are way higher than the rest)


    Master Kush: 2 Weeks into Flower
  2. Bud looks fire.
    What dispensary did you pick up from?
  3. the plants look like need a little water
  4. Green Crack is from Green Zion in OB (See back of SD Reader for 5 Gram coupon) and the Af-Band is from Ocean Beach Collective (Go on Saturdays and they give 4 gram eights and a free hash hit)

    Asyd420 thank you for the advice, tonight is watering night when the lights come on at 8pm. I struggled for awhile with figuring out the right watering schedule, I think I have it sort of dialed in now but maybe need to revisit how many days in between I was going.
  5. I love Green Crack. I get mine from San Diego Organics. Haha the name is a lil degrading though. Dank bud man
  6. Never been to that one.. Where is it in San Diego? Any good deals going on there?

    Picked up some Sour O'gizzle from Green Zion $60 for 5 grams.

    Getting fancy with the plant
  7. Yes they actually have quite a few deals.

    4G Eighths- Free Joint Sundays, Free Edible Fridays, 50+ STRAINS, Free Gift @ 4:20pm & for First 5 Patients of the Day

  8. I meant to write more. All their 1/8 are 4 grams, which is kinda stupid considering it is what it is. The menu above is pretty dank.

    San Diego Organic Wellness Association
    Dispensary Address 1150 Garnet Ave.
    City San Diego
    State CA
    Zip Code 92109

  9. Oh SDOWA! I go there all the time, there are so many names I thought San Diego Organics was a different place. That place is pretty legit and they always have bomb strains. I like green zion simply for the 5 gram eigths with the coupon. Not as big a selection but they do have a hash bar that will blow you up. I can ride my bike to SDOWA, I live down the street from there.
  10. fml why do i live in connecitcut
  11. Yea your right their selection is kinda limited, but the deals are good. Haha the hash bar is bomb!! I Love San Diego! :D
  12. Oh and let me add that riding a bike while blazed is awesome!!!!!!
  13. #13 dandeedank, Feb 8, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 8, 2011
    Garnet can get a little sketchy on your bike but still great. I always feel weird going there because everytime I come out there is a tourist talking about how it's a weed shop. But yes I do love San Diego lets hope the bans don't go through or we could lose all these great places.

    Here is some Ultra Blue Romulan I had


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