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Dank Purp

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by EuphoricStereo, May 17, 2010.

  1. Hey guys! Well..I deleted my old account due to some personal reasons...but I couldn't resist coming back. It's been maybe a year. I never really stopped toking, but anywho here is my first post in the new account and a pic of my new bud I just picked up...enjoy! :smoking:

  2. that is quite the bud you got there. Enjoy token :smoking:
  3. very nice, i'm a huge purp fan :hello:
  4. I love purp too...This is almost "Barney" colored hahah.

    I know it doesn't really make a difference in terms of THC content...but something about the Aesthetic beauty of it...just makes it so much better for me.
  5. haha who doesn't love purps? it's funny that I would usually choose the purps but the regular frosty green buds are usually more potent feeling.
  6. some bomb purp. verrry nice
  7. looks really great
  8. Barney bud lol.

    Looks good OP

  9. Thanks.... :smoking:

  10. [quote name='EuphoricStereo']Hey guys! Well..I deleted my old account due to some personal reasons...but I couldn't resist coming back. It's been maybe a year. I never really stopped toking, but anywho here is my first post in the new account and a pic of my new bud I just picked up...enjoy! :smoking:

    Does purp like this get your higher than normal good bud? Or does it just taste different or what? I haven't seen any purp like this around my way, which is NC. I'm sure there is some around, I just don't know people like I used to.
  11. Someone with more knowledge can correct me if I am wrong, but no it doesn't have a higher THC content or anything simply due to the purple color.

    I'm not sure if there is such a thing as like....purp mids though...

    To put simply: It's all about the Trichomes babyyy :smoking:
  12. correct. its colder growing conditions.
    and yes you can get purp that isnt dank.
  13. Gnarly buds man, keep on poking that purp :smoking:
  14. yeah purple colors just add to the taste, not necessarily more potent

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