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Dank pics of DANK nugs. you will piss your pants

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by beamish, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. Have been procrastinating taking pics of this bud cause im lazy and never take pics anymore.

    BUT this stuff is eye candy and i had to share it.


    smells great, like oaty dank. gets you real high (like you couldnt tell!). nicely cured, 6gs looks like a half.

    lovvveee itttt
  2. Nice lookin nugs o.o
  3. mids....

    just joking. i have a chubb.
  4. Holy shit man! I didnt piss my pants, I SHIT MYSELF :smoke::smoke:
  5. Thanks guys!

    This stuff blows my mind.
  6. i questioned its existance :smoking:
  7. my eyes are cumming fucknig everywhere
    icant even see any more..
  8. hahahahahahaha
  9. How Does It Smoke?
  10. if 6g's looks like a half then its probably really wet
  11. title promised thread delivered
  12. while i look for some kleenex and lotion, you should tell us how it smokes
  13. I like it, I like it a loooot.
  14. yep you didn't oversell very very nice dank man :smoke:
  15. you mean really dry, right? i hope so

  16. holy fuck i actually fucked that up haha damn i guess i didnt blaze all day until now so i actualy realized what i said was retarded. pce
  17. I can only imagine what it smells like :)

  18. really? that makes no sense if 6 grams were wet then it would be the opposite i think, light fluffy buds would make it look like a half, not wet buds, dumbass. but really nice buds they are, wish there was more light on em though.
  19. i pooped :(

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