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Dank Pickup w/ Milkshot

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by HighFunctioning, Jan 14, 2010.

  1. Some no name dank I picked up 110 for a half o. Pretty pricey but very good shit.

    Snapping a bowl in my bong.
    [ame=""]YouTube - Glass on Glass Bong Rip[/ame]

    Attached Files:

  2. I wish my buds were that "pricey" haha props though.
  3. yeah, pricey wouldn't come close to a word I'd use if it was some real dank dank..[​IMG]
  4. pricey? $110 would get me a quarter of the same bud....consider yourself lucky
  5. what he said :hello:
  6. Cant complain for 110 a half. props on the bargain.
  7. good price on the bud, but boy does that bong drag!
  8. for the bud i would say its a decent price. the bong was only 100$ though, new including the ashcather..thats a deal. bought it never used from a friend :)
  9. Are you in canada? That would explain the price. I would definitely look at getting a new bong though.

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