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Dank or Reg

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Trevo4311, Sep 29, 2009.

  1. #1 Trevo4311, Sep 29, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 29, 2009
    So I can get a teenth(1.6 grams) of dank for $25 or I can get 7 grams of Reg(low mids) for $25
    Which do you prefer? Which is a better deal?
  2. what ever you want to do. Both sound standard, maybe regs a little cheaper then most places. But do you need this to last you a little while? or just a few sessions? Theres your answer
  3. Get the quad.
  4. Quality over Quantity.

    for me anyway...
  5. I would go with the quad of regs usually.
  6. get a gram of dank and a gram of reg that should be 25.
  7. If you got money to spend i say go for the dank but if your running low on money get the reg.
  8. lol your in the EXACT same fuckin situation as me dude gunna end up just buying the mids though since the headies i would buy would be gone within 2 days so i mean it sup to you if your a chill smoker and ur just lookin for something to make ur day a little better go with the mids but if ur tryna get like shot to the moon go for the dank
  9. Right now i'm getting the danks, but when money gets tight.....dank.....yeah. Although it is also cause all there is at CU is dank. i can't even find mids..i tried

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