Jus picked up some of the best shit ive seen in awhile. Straight ganz. 3 oz's for 325. He wanted $250 a oz single. Fuckin flame boys. Was gon roll a blunt but my mans was like you better make it a small one haha, Said he got blowed off a half joint so i was like yeah this some good shit main. Bout to roll a blunt of some other weed i got but i took like 4 hits off a bowl of this shit and im already feelin it. Needless to say im happy with my purchase.
Hahaha, Cuz thats me. Thats what he was/could be gettin rid of it for. But he could cut me down, 2 for 250, 3 for 325 he told me. Dude i knew from way back and i showed HIM the ropes when he was a youngin and now he done made it. Last couple weeks its been off and on. Ive been able to get it otherwise but i was waitin on this guy for some good ganz. Had another offer 3 for 3 but it wasnt as good. But jus last week i couldnt cop shit for a few days before i copped some pretty shitty shit for real real cheap. Its that time of year tho. Always happens in spirts around this time of year for some reason, Ive noticed it for years.
dude in Texas schwag prices are just like that, i can get some amazing schwag for 50 a zone,but when you buy a QP it's only 125. this fool even told me personally 'i like you mayne, but dont just buy one'
Agreed. Another mains had some aight shiet in, $125 a boy, $300 for 3. I dont have a cam but it aient mean shit for pics, Ive been in the game for 10 some years main. I know weed. Its not high times super dank shit but its fuckin kills main. Real high up strain name shit can go for 350-400 out here ive heard but fuck that