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DANK Cali Kush Nug Tip!

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by ghou1ie, Sep 12, 2009.

  1. Nuff' said. :cool:

    Straight from Rockford! :smoke:

    Attached Files:

  2. Smokin on that green crack i seee
  3. Looks sugar coated and tastyy :smoke: ...hows the high?
  4. ha nice lil nug
  5. Lookin decent man! What part of Illinois are ya from?

  6. It has the sativa head high, as well as the indica couchlock. Feelin really nice. :D

    I said in the post. ;)

  7. Ah cool, missed that part.
  8. bumpity bump?

  9. Palos park for me. Where you at in IL bro?

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