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Dank Bc Bud quarter pound pick-up/more pics to come

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Tha Professor, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. Tell me what you think. $600 pick-up


  2. looks like some BC bud full of win
  3. bee-you-tea-full
  4. damn!!!!! 600 dollars?

    im paying twice that and i consider 1200 to be a good deal

    im gonna have to take a trip to vancouver in the near future
  5. Dude your buds look good.:smoke:

  6. exactly what i was thinking :hello:
  7. Wow 600 dollars. You shuda picked up two more quaters :p
  8. Fuck yea, thats BC for you.. if you can find the right growers, you might be able to score it for cheaper. Either way, GREAT PICKUP, and nice pics man! Enjoy, and keep lifted!! :smoke::smoke:
  9. OMG, so much for only 600, I can maybe get 2-2/12 ounces with that, fml
  10. what strain is bc running now?
  11. ddddddddaaaaaaammmmmmnnnn

    lol i might be able to get 2 ounces for 600$...
  12. god dam where you guys living paying over 600 a QP, thats whack. For some Beasters up in ONT im paying 500 max, if ur payin 1200 MAKE THE TRIP its worth it
  13. That looks damn good, I'd spend 600 on it for sure.
  14. jesus. just a fat ass pickup. rep.
  15. Thanks for the replies GC

    Yeah i suppose thats just BC for you lol.
  16. lol...
  17. BC is actually supplies by one crop, true fact.

  18. Haha no, this was hashplant. A great smoke, one of my better pick ups for sure. I have a stash thread now that I'll try to update more frequently, might throw this sucker in there too.
  19. dude does that fatty in the pic have a pack of lifesaver-like mouthtreats for a bridge? insane...ima try that asap!

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