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dank ass pickup (medical weed?)

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by DownSouthBalla5, Sep 24, 2007.

  1. Hey all long time no post but I thought I'd show you some of the dankest shit I've had in a while. My boys went to the west coast of Florida from the Atlantic coast and came back with this. They said it was medical weed and I believe them from what it looks and smells like. It gets me really intensely high and zoned out, and I smoke dank everyday at least 4 times. So tell me what you think, this nug was 1.7g. Sorry for the quality you cant see all the crystals but I had to manage with a scanner.

    Attached Files:

  2. I doubt its real medical marijuana.....but who knows

  3. I agree that its not medical and here is why:

    State with legal medical cannabis.
    State with decriminalized cannabis possession laws.
    State with both medical and decriminalization laws.

    There is no medical program in your state or even in a state near you. Sorry to burst your bubble, but peope will tell you anything to make some money.
  4. How do you know it didnt come from a state with legal laws? You dont know. And they arent telling it to me to make any money, because I get my shit from my friend who I chill with just about every day.
  5. I'm not saying it didn't , its just a lot more likely that someone told someone its medical to make it more appealing. Seriously look how far you are from the closest medical state.

    Don't get burnt, I was just clarifying. If you don't want other's opinions about the probability that your weed is in fact "Medical Grade" then don't post.

    Smoke it up and enjoy!
  6. ya i totally agree, chances are very unlikely
  7. Medical Weed, I assume, are the strains of weed grown and distributed by medical clubs in states like California.

    Seeds can easily be obtained for most of the strains out there.

    It could be coming from an indoor grower in Florida. Quite a few of those I hear.

    Unless my original assumption is wrong, it could easily be "Medical Weed".
  8. couldnt all good pot be considered medical?
  9. haha exactly, who gives a flying fuck if its from a dispensary... its fuckin dank as hell!

    BTW If you still have it, can you scan a different side of the bud... thats like pure leaves, i want focus on the bud :D

  10. Exactly what i was thinking. U didn't get it from a pharmacie so it isn't medical. However the quality looks good and the only difference between that bud and a medical one is that the medical one is bought in a pharmacie.
    So medical weed, no medical grade, quality i'd say yes.
  11. Not bad, looks pretty bomb.
  12. That shit looks pretty good, keep tokin!
  13. It could be medical marijuana quality ... that's for sure.

    A lot of clubs buy from local growers who also sell ... retail ... I guess you would call it ... in addition to wholesale.

    Just enjoy!

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