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Dank-ass 5.0g nug :)

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Heisenberg, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. homie started dealing, and he's nice enough to give me dibs on the sweetest nugs in his pickup :D This nug is super dense, super hairy and dank, and we weighed it at exactly 5 grams...he smoked me out a sample too, and it's some bomb sativa :smoke:

    Attached Files:

  2. Why does that look like the hamburglar's fuzzy friend...
  3. If you trimmed those leaves it would be like all hairs!
  4. dammnnnn hairy as fuck!!
  5. mmmm looks like maybe some type of haze?? you on the east coast?
  6. hairiest nug ive seen in my life...
  7. God damn Count dankula
  8. I LOVE being able to picks nugs from a big batch, it makes all the difference
  9. No offence but thats definatly not a sativa....

    dense buds are not a sign of sativa.

    sativa are wispy buds

    indicas are dense
  10. ^ what you said is about 10 percent true. nice pictures but no.

    nice bud OP
  11. That is danky dank, smoke that shit!
  12. Almost looks like it was dipped it kief or some shit.
  13. lol it does look like grimmace

  14. hahha ok and your answer is 10% true.

    almost all commercial weed is an indica or a indica/sativa hybrid.

    almost always leaning towards the indica side.
  15. haha it looks like moss
  16. That is damn hairy. good lord
  17. Hairy bud.

  18. lol what!?

  19. He is pretty spot on in general, though this is obviously not an exact science. You can't make any broad statements about the cannabis market like saying they are primarily indica or sativa. It all depends on where, when, etc

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