Damnnn this weather

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by buckethead129, Oct 12, 2023.

  1. I feel bad for people growing outdoors on the East Coast (more in the north) — it seems like everybody over on Reddit is having some severe freezing problems on their outdoor plants..

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  2. One of the reasons I grow indoors only.
    The insects is another.
    The rain and threat of mold is another.
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  3. I agree.. that’s why I’m probably gonna start my outdoor really early next year. That’s just gonna be an experiment anyway. I’m in New Jersey so it gets pretty chilly in the end of October. Only on some nights though like tonight it’s not that bad… I only need the heater for some nights in the basement.. otherwise I’m anticipating them to be looking really good after getting them, there, nutrients in liquid form of compost tea, that I brewed myself consisting of mostly fish bone meal, earthworm castings, some molasses, a put in a lil on the 5-2-4 organic food because it has a lot of good stuff.. I let it brew for about 48 hours and then when they were really thirsty. I gave each plant (5 gal containers) with 2 gallons of compost tea thru all 4 containers . That’s gonna be my week five feeding.

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  4. Im in the states Mi. For photo plants really have to risk it . It can freeze very early here. I suggest doing autos out side in shitty MI. why i live here ? is another question.
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  5. MI?? Oh hell yea!!

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  6. Wait did u mean MI? Like Michigan? Or did u jus say the states

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  7. Upstate NY here, last year I started all my girls in 10 gal fabric pots,I bring them inside in Sept to finish .
    It seems to be getting foggy around here at that time and it's a losing battle for me .
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  8. Upstate NY here also,and yes, the weather is pretty scetchy here in October
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  9. I live in Ohio so October we do get frost and have already got it this month.
    Lived in Colorado for 13 years and weather there was no different in Pueblo.
    I just grow inside now easier to control everything.
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  10. Michigan People on here live all over the world why i said states
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  11. i did 1 outdoor put it in a friends yard early april it was a clone already 30 days old i decided to put her in a 22 gallon tub long story short she grew to be 8 ft tall the colas right now are falling over and at least a foot long no mold or bugs luckily my suggestion for outside is a 20 gallon minimum pot if you want monsters does anyone agree? about bigger is better outside?
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  12. Screenshot_20231012-092537.png
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  13. That was three weeks after transplant it went wild after that can't find the picture
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  14. IMG_20230723_134602425.jpg IMG_20230723_134616773.jpg IMG_20230723_134550781.jpg
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  15. I'm way down south in South East Alabama but indoors. It's been 38 degrees so far
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  16. Sweden Here: one time we had to worry about school-kid Vikings, now its Arabs en masse, ripping of the forest growers, grow inside is still the safe bet, but outdoors is always more fun, and more of a challenge
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  17. I live on the moon. Growing outdoors here is virtually impossible.
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  18. yes it is better to go bigger outdoors. I used 30 gal fwiw when outdoors. It is nice to see a plant in its full glory and not pruned, or plucked, or trained, or held back in any way.
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  19. Favorite place back in the 80s . old coal mine . Wow It was to cold or hot but it worked if you had the balls , Want to be a big baller have to do it .
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  20. I wasn’t sure if Mi was Michigan or a typo

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