Damn weather...

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by krazy92, May 23, 2008.

  1. Well I got my plants to sprout inside, then I transfered them outside. But go figure the day after I put them out there it rains pretty nice. Well my soil is wet as hell now, and the stems are really purple. But starting tmrw it is going to be sunny weather and high temps til tuesday. Will this take the stress off my plants?
  2. i'm no outdoor expert but i would think they'll be just fine. a little rain won't hurt them, and with the sun coming they'll be able to take advantage of the moist ground to grow nice and big.
  3. U must be from NY or near it :) fucking rain is driving me crazy.
  4. Its weird that its been really hot here in cali also until today and it rained cats and dogs too.:eek:
  5. I am from NE ohio. Like It takes me around 45mins to an hour to get into NY
  6. lol yeah weather in the tri-state is pretty bad. but it's looking QUITE nice for memorial day weekend =]

  7. Hahaha that's funny since i was thinking the same thing. God damn weather around here is killin me.
  8. Yes it's beautiful outside, nice and breezy.. Just finished doing my morning blunt/joint walk. Hoodies are the best.
  9. Lol nice.
  10. City 17? U play TSRP?

  11. It will be fine unless the stems break. The wind is killing me in N. Cali.

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