so last night I did what i normally do every night i get finished with homework early, took my longboard out with a joint and skated around campus(i go to a university and live in the dorms.) well i got some shit straight from the club called sour og kush so i was blitzed out of my mind. Well anyways I heard a shitload of cop cars last night real late while I was chillin in my room... Turns the fuck out that two people a hall away from me had a knife fight and one ended up dying, now this is where its crazy, they were fucking girls...... so this morning I woke up and there was like 15 cops, 8 news vans, a csi unit and all this other crazy shit.... sorry i just had to tell somebody this crazy shit.
damn thats really crazy. do u go to u of a? i want to go there next year. at university of colorado an escaped mental patient stabbed a freshman in the neck on the first day of school.
dude i bet they will find either pills or liquor or some form of a controlled substance in their dorm but NOT ONE NUG OF GANJA! weed doesnt kill stupid people do...