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Damn it feels good to be a patient

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Charzard, Sep 26, 2010.

  1. #1 Charzard, Sep 26, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 29, 2010
    Got my Colorado MMJ paperwork a few days ago, here is the first pickup from Boulder, CO. I'll try to keep updating, already missed taking photos of the second pickup.

    BOULDER KIND CARE, best dispensary out!

    First Pickup (9/23/10)
    Everything I picked up - Edibles, Lavendar, some pre rolled joints I was given for free (promptly split and spliffed) and Canadential.

    A close up of the Canadential
  2. shit looks dank, enjoy. it would be a dream come true to have a dispensary in my city.

  3. fixed.
  4. #4 Charzard, Sep 27, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 29, 2010
    I love this.

    Alaskan Cough
  5. WOW! nice dude!
  6. That Alaskan Cough looks fuckin BOMB

    I bet it smokes good eh?
  7. Big pickup today.


    Top to bottom: Mile High Icecream maple honey, Ice, Bob Fish, Jack Horror, Canadential, Hawaiian Skunk, Mr. Nice

    Hawaiian Skunk


    Bloo Fish

    Jack Horror (SO hairy, tastes amazing as well)

    Ice. Also very dank
  8. Strong jealousy on my part...
  9. it all looks so good man. I saw this title and thought was gonna say "damn it feels good to be a taylor". haha
  10. Looks like you're living the dream man. Party on!
  11. You guys are making me jealous lol....

    some fucking bomb ass weed :eek:
  12. God damn man nice pick-ups. :smoke:
  13. Holy crap! That looks so very dank! Alaskan Cough sounds like it would be an insane smoke if its a cross with Alaskan Thunderfuck! You are very lucky to be a patient! Nice edibles too:smoke:

    Also, I love the whole pre-rolled joint thing dispensaries do!
  14. Also, I love the whole pre-rolled joint thing dispensaries do![/QUOTE]

    They are actually pretty sub bar at BKC, not hand rolled, machine rolled. Too tight, a weak smoke. Always split em and re roll em with some bali shag.
  15. They are actually pretty sub bar at BKC, not hand rolled, machine rolled. Too tight, a weak smoke. Always split em and re roll em with some bali shag.[/QUOTE]

    Well that kind of sucks! I wouldn't want to smoke anything rolled like that either. I'd split it and roll it up again too, not before i stuck a little hash inside first:smoke:
  16. Damn Im mad jelly. That shit looks magical as fuck!. :D
  17. Jealousy is strong with this one.
  18. You lucky lucky bastard. whatd u tell the doc was wrong with u haha

  19. hahaha i was thinkin the same damn thing
  20. Today was a good day.

    Super Lemon Haze (Cannabis Cup Winner)

    Canadential with a little Purp in it

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