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Damn Im Trying

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by BlowShytUp, Jun 7, 2009.

  1. Okay....i have three plants going and they got overwatered and i think a nute burn....(dumb ass friends who think they know everything) and i had good dirt mixed with shitty dirt and the shitty dirt held water like a bitch....well i transplanted and got new dirt only and flushed.....are my babys gonna be okay...???need some proffessional help..n yes i know my setup is ghetto but all my numbers add up to be okay....all the pics are taken before the repot...

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  2. I don't know how many people you should tell about your grow dude, loose lips sink ships. But I would deffinatly give it atleast a day to jump back from the shock, good luck with your grow sorry I couldn't help more :(

    And watch the new growth because the damaged leaves won't get better you can tell by the new growth.
  3. i havnt told anyone about my grow....just asking a few questions about one on here knows where im from....
  4. and just so everyone knows im doin this with spending little or no money....shit grows in the wild....i should be able to make it grow too....
  5. Hmm yeah but if you think about it, plants can flourish outdoors. Trying to recreate nature can be a hassel sometimes. Plus not all the stuff that actually grows wild is worth smoking...

    G/L With the grow!:D
  6. "the wild" has lots of beneficial things in it which make growing indoors harder because
    we dont have those things at our disposal, as easily.

    Your plant looks seriously hurting. Yeah give it a day or two to bounce back from the shock
    but those damaged leaves will never repair themselves. The best you can hope for is new
    growth at the top that isn't damaged.

    :bongin: ~Experimentalist
  7. okay...well i do have new growth already started and one more question....when i check ph tomorrow if its low....what do i give...if its high what do i give...remember i can only get stuff from the lil hadware store by my house....i have no transportation.....
  8. Short term, you'll need pH UP and pH DOWN solution. You might find it at a pet store.
    Or buy it online. pH your mix to adjust your soil pH level. Check runoff pH levels as
    well. Longer term solutions include adding sulphur to your soil to lower pH or adding
    lime to raise it. These are longer term solutions, requring months to complete.

    The best thing you can do is not go cheap on soil and get something pH'd correctly
    like the Fox Farm line. But hey, we all gotta use what we have available, right?

    :bongin: ~Experimentalist
  9. yeh kinda be the store has the ph up or down stuff....ima check...thank you
  10. I wouldn't be too worried about your Ph at this point. I would give them plain water for about a week, and let them start to recover.
  11. He could be experiencing nutrient lockout if his pH is too far out of whack. I recently
    bought some soil at Lowes that pH'd at 7.1-7.2 out of the bag.

    Also, his tap water could be quite off. Most aren't, I know, but some are.

    pH testers are cheap as hell. If anything, I'd recommend he get one before spending
    money now on pH Adjustor's.

    :bongin: ~Experimentalist
  12. going to get a ph tester today at 4:00...i need someone that i can kinda talk instantly to because I HAVE NO CLUE WHAT TO gonna get it and test it and then....i dont know what....i have ppl tell me get ph up and ph down stufff...idk need some solid help....not one person saying dont do nothin....and some saying give nutes....some saying get ph right....what do i do when i get my ph tester.....wanna get these babys right
  13. When you get your tester, test the pH. If its between 6.5-7 you're fine. If its outside
    of that, then you have problems. Test both the soil, and some runoff water. Test
    the water you get from your tap. Learn your numbers :)

    Report back with the numbers when you have them!

    :bongin: ~Experimentalist
  14. yep definately will....gimme bout an hour or hour n a half n ill have all you say runnoff??? u mean what comes out of my pot or are you talkin like rain water or somethin....i know that sounds dumb but they are inside, i dont know if u knew that or not....if u did know that then im pretty sure ur talkin bout water that comes out of the pot.....heres a lil question....if my water is one ph and the soil is another what comes out will be a sum of those two together correct....never done this ph testing stuff before....
  15. k got the ph soil is between 5.5 and water is the what do i do....i got some shultz 101510 just seein when i should give it to watering...???i guess im more worried about what to do bout the me

  16. Yeah thats not a prime pH level at all. You'll need to get some pH UP or work some soil
    sulphur into your mix and monitor it (which will take months)

    In a pinch, you can (temporarily) add lemon juice to acidify your water. Aim for a 6.5 :)

    :bongin: ~Experimentalist

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