He always takes forever to text back and just doesn't answer sometimes. Like tonight he said he'd hook up a bag after the Super Bowl was over. I texted him when it was over and I still haven't heard anything from him. Sometimes he'll wait hours to text back and by that time I've already gotten from someone else or just given up and gone to bed or something.
omg, ur one of "those guys". take a fuckin chill pill and realize dealers have lives too....? if ur not willing to wait, go find somemone else to snag from. granted, he may just be a prick... also, whatre u buying? 10 bags? if so, theres ur answer. NOT WORTH his time.
First of all, taking more than a n hour to respond to a text just shows you aren't serious about dealing and don't give a shit about making money, otherwise you'd be more prompt with it and get out more bags. Also, I'm buying a gram, and driving to his house to get it. He doesn't have to do shit besides way it out and throw it in a bag. He doesn't even have to leave his room, someone always lets me in. If I were a dealer, I'd make sure to have my phone on me ready to answer any texts from people looking to pick up. It's just good business.
$10 is not worth his time? It takes about 2 minutes to exchange and make the deal. That's better pay than any job in America.
I hate it when my guy doesn't reply. He's usually really good at that shit, but sometimes he wont return a text/call for a couple days. It's lame when you have the money, but can't get anything lol. I'd rather him just hit up and be like "I'm dry" or "I'm busy" instead of leaving me hanging...
eh, the fact that OP is getting bent out of shape over this instead of just getting a different connect leads me to believe that he is a young un (no i'm not suggesting that he's not of age) and being a young un he's probably dealing with young dealers..kids who pick up small amounts and only sell enough to smoke for free. those kids aren't real dealers and they can afford to be dicks or bad business people or whatever.
Eh, I guess you're right. I'm 21 and my *only* dealer is sort of like his, just not as bad.. I suppose. Sometimes he will take awhile to meetup with but other than that he's a pretty cool dude.
I am 20 and my dealer is also 20. I have about 8 other people I could go through, but I like giving this guy my business because he gets the best bud and he always hooks it up. With my other guys, it could be mids or even schwag, and it almost never looks like it weighs out. Also, my guy is probably middle of the line as dealers go. He definitely makes more than just smoking for free money, but he doesn't exactly sell it by the pound either. Anyways, yes, I realize that expecting someone to answer within a few seconds of the text isn't realistic, and I don't expect anyone to. However, I expect you to get back to me in a reasonable amount of time, not make me wait hour after hour and then get pissed when I go through someone else. That's another thing people around here are annoying at, they always want you to only go through them. If they find out you buy from someone else too, they get pissed and act like you're dissing them.
lol, thats where ur wrong. theyre not gonna give the time of day to someone who is annoying relentless with texts/ calls shady etc
I'm 21 as well, and my experience is that a dealer is a DEALER but every brother and their mother sells. I'v picked up from a lot of people. and a lot of them where unreliable dicks and usually those same people where youngish and smoked a lot... now I'v also picked up from DEALERS and they pick up real quick when you call em and tell you to fuck off it they don't have any and if they do you go to their house and wait in the hall.... granted they where dealing lots of other scarier things... I'd happily deal with an non responsive kid then a paranoid gun wielding man.
if your favorite store doesn't have your brand cigs or soda or whatever what do you do? you don't bitch about it or complain to a manager. you simply go to the next store... maybe you check back with your favorite store next time and if they don't have it then than you get a new favorite store.. its as simple as that. edit: sorry for the double post
Btw, I already bought from someone else. Got about what I expected, some pretty decent mids. Doesn't taste like much of anything and it's a little leafy though. It just kind of sucks to get something like this when you've been smoking almost nothing but danks for the last few years.
I understand where you're coming from, and imo any weed is better than no weed(barring a few exceptions, A.you get ripped off or B.It's absolute trash weed). It just sucks that a lot of the dealers around here are just shady or don't have very good bud. That or else they're stuck up(imo) and won't sell anything less than an 1/8th O, even if you drive to their house to pick it up.
if you live somewhere that good herb is readily available to a joker like the dealer that this thread is about then if you go on a hard core dealer hunt you should be able to find someone who is serious about selling. a hard core dealer hunt looks something like this. Tero beats NES Paperboy
he is when it comes to me. i dont fuck around. theres 5 other guys i can call and be satisfied with, i dont wait around like a puppy dog, complaining on a forum [no offense OP]. my main man is also a good good friend, but weve had conversations about it and im just reiterating what he was sayin.