damn guys its 2011 now?

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by hoboleader, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. shit just found out its 2011!!!!! thought id share the news.
  2. has been for a while, bud.
  3. ... you just realized this...
  4. You been smoking them marijuana cigarettes boy?
  5. Drugs, man. Have you been high this entire month or something? :cool:
  6. Is this where you live?

    *under a rock*
  7. seriously, how did you not know?
  8. Jail is the only explanation, or you're just really fuckin high all the time
  9. Shit son, ferreals? I thought it was '83?
  10. Roaming the deserts of Arabia with a monastic tribe of Bedouin monks apparently.
  11. ...am i the only one who heard he was fuckin chimpanzees at the zoo?:confused_2:
  12. Yea dude this shits crazy man. I cant wait till the Apocalypse, gonna try to survive and rebuild the world with me as emperor of Britannia.(Earths new name when i rule) and this god damn itallic wont fucking stop even tho i fuckin unclicked it.



    All Hail Alexander vi britannia

  13. oh shit man

    america has a black president now too, did you know that??
  14. dude whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?


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